The Official Work Pictures Thread

Great pics, brother! Awesome avatar! :beer:

Seriously, Joel... best pics I've seen in a good little bit. Best avatar in some time.

Peter... nice grind. ;)

Here's yesterdays rigging fail: :(...


This was my rigging point... only about 100 miles away. :|:...and... here's what happened, what with rope stretch, and the stupid doghair Fir curling over when the log weighted it...


Here's today's rigging success. Took the stuff off the roof. Stood the stick up with the GRCS, and then chunked the rest down. (Noble Fir)

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Weirdest thing is that BOTH homeowners were equally happy. :?
Because you're like a hero out in these storms rescuing their homes. They should be thankful! Tons of storm work you've been posting up. Nasty stuff!
Sooner or later you're gonna run outta trees that land on houses Jed. You guys have gotten hammered with storms this year. The eave is minimal damage compared to what could've happened
Looks like your grinder is working out well for you.

Thanks Rich and Jed.

Shop made air filter worked real well, everything is holding up great. Need brakes and a couple more guards and I'll be up for some serious work. If I get 3 or 4 stumps a month I'll be happy. I'm aiming for the $100/half hour range. Like any other equipment there is always something else to go along with it, I'm keeping my eye open for something that would be good for a setup chip guard.

Of course a bigger wheel and more cutters is my winter project, I think it will really chew stumps out. My setup now sure beats the rentals I've used. I'd be at the stump for an hour and a half.
Thanks for the grace Justin and Rich. I guess that's the way most homeowners see it. Eveybody's in such a damned rush to get the insurance adjuster up on the roof so that the contractors and roofers can get to work. My own oversight still feels like a damned waste, to me though. Just because everyone else is in such a damned hurry (insurance inspectors, and roofing guys) doesn't mean that I need to be. Davey makes them sign a waver stating that they won't hold us responsible for further damage to the structure except for gross negligence. Some guys see that as a green light, and just chunk the stupid thing down on the house since the roof us always partly compromised. Just seems like a stupid attitude though.
Doesn't make it less risky.
Had you made a deal with the client, about a low price and he accepted the risk?

We had a fun one today.
The massive snowfall a while ago broke 2 out of 3 leaders off this beech.
One of those damage control companies tried to saw it off the roof, untill it rolled on them and they realized they were in over their heads.
No crane access whatsoever.
So a GRCS and a Tirfor, both with 2.1 setups did the job.
Pretty hefty chunk of wood, I'm amazed the damage wasn't greater.
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That's absolutely beautiful rigging work, Stig. Hat's off, totally.
Thanks Butch!
Jed the red roofed place seemed about as lucky as possible (damage wise)by a flat failure. Nice to know you pride yourself on no further damage, much respect!
Well, Rich... this one wasn't on the house. Glad you had a good day with the bosses gone.

36"x145' school marm today. Beautiful day... rainbow driving back to the shop, and then snow in the mountains when I got home...

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Cool Jed. Solid work.

Here's some stuff as of late.





Man, you guys out West got clobbered. Been beautiful here except a touch of rain last night and today. I miss the challenge of storm work and the $, but not the risk.