The Official Work Pictures Thread

A few from yesterday's wasp job. It was cold so I saw no wasps. I didn't look much when I got to the hole but spayed them well. Made me happy to have that work out so sweet. Credits to my wife on her
Wish she were there for the top portion this one sure had mad head lean. I was thankful for the pine near it to help in reducing the shock and movement.

Great photos, and work. Tell your wife, thanks !
That one on the left reminds me of the "famous" statue of the PNW climber.
Really like the grayscale shot, that just helps with making great photos.
Showed the wife everyone's comments she said "awe.....tell them thanks!"
We went to work on one of the oldest and largest Black Poplars in Oslo this week. The tree had to be heavily rj'd 10 years ago due to decline and some storm damage. We were sent there to deadwood, thin and take some weight out of the ends. Just to give some scale to the thing, I am 6 foot 4 so you can see trunk size. The central dead leader would have needed the 88 to get through it. As it was I removed the fingers from the top stem with the 441 but could have done with a 66. We had a 23metre meep on site provided by the Kommune. The tree had to be retained as is is in a busy park overlooked by a number of Embassy's.

Trunk shot, before and after.




Yeah, it was a beast alright and hopefully it will
Last a few more years

We also worked on a stand of Mature Lime trees in another park earlier in the week. Weather was nice so the cameras came out.

End weight reduction and 2t Cobra Bracing system installed.



That might well be the thickest tree in the whole country.
I like seeing pictures from Norway. I worked up in the "North end" (Helgelandskysten) in my youth.
It is one of my favourite countries and people.
I think I ran into a Scot that used to work with you at the ETW tests 2 weeks ago.
Amazing tree. Grows a bit like the Rio Grande Cottonwoods of the American Southwest.

Stig: What were you doing up in Northern Norway?