The Official Work Pictures Thread

Dismantled a crispy dead beech today. Mostly rigged.


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Steady decline over 5 years. Didn't get many pics, but it's just a hole in the ground filled with grindings now.

Not sure what killed it, possibly beech bark disease? Had ustulina too.

Nice spalting at the base.


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Good firewood anyway!
I remember an old rotten beech takedown years ago in Sussex, I decided to fell it, put a rope up, and pencilled off the buttresses,asked the blokes to give it a tug to assess the weight, the bloody thing just fell over.
That's why I never remove the buttresses if I think it might be iffy, they may be the only thing holding it up!
tree houser's killing it, great pics all!

I had a 2 pine removal today one was leaning bad over roof and deck other easy peasy

Got a good TIP in pine next to me...would have been rough without it... leaning like a rainbow

Had to rig out half of pine then "chunky monkey" the rest...use stihl ms 150 on both pines just not on base cut

worst PITCH tree ever, ropes are washing now

Thanks Ray

I use a 'Weaver Rope Washing Bag'

put in washing machine with mild detergent...does a good job
Great pics Scott. What do you use to get the sap out of your ropes?

Somewhere on here I posted a thread on sap removal. The takeaway for me was to use non gritty GoJo. It works well imo.

Great pics all!

SB, the tree they thought would never fall over, eh?

Scott, was there a lot of setup time on that skyline? I guess less time than other possible methods, eh?
Great pics, everyone!

Only took a few minutes, Cory. I set a 200' line in a white oak in the back...had to tie another to it to get enough length. Ran it over the house to a tall pine. Set the trolley on it, along with a haul back line, and a pulley with lowering line. I got up top and set it on the cypress, while Ben tightened them in the proper order and locked them off. I cut the top piece with the Hayate. The second was low enough to cut with chain saw. After that, Ben took the pieces as I cut them, and pitched them off the roof.
Windthrown oak and another, put the 395 to good use, there's a grapple on order for the kubota.

Still, it moves a lot even with the bucket.


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Ha, miniscule by Yankee standards, Timberwolf 6 inch with a kubota Diesel engine, under 750 kg so easy towing, had it 11 years now. Easily the most popular chipper in the UK.