The Official Work Pictures Thread

We had a welcome break from carrying backpack sprayers today.
A linden in the park at Jægerspris castle, the forest district where we spend most of our time.
Right next to the head forester's house.

Took enough off the sides that I could fell it along the building without hitting any of the small oaks and paulownias.
A nice relaxing job, the whole crew enjoyed it.
Didn't bend a leaf on that small Oak.
Now, had I been Murphy, I would of course just have whacked the Hell out of that little oak and rode happily off into the sunset afterwards.

Forwarder for the cleanup as per usual :D

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It was.
Reason it came down is that the sugary stuff they drip during flowering, has completely wrecked the roofing tiles.

I have one at home and if I inadvertently park my truck under it during flowering, it ends up looking like a candy apple.

They have hundreds of them around the castle, so one less doesn't bother me.
felling lever ftw!

Stig, judging by the firewood stack, fence, and house in general, those people are real slobs:lol::lol:.

Gotta love forwarder clean up. Do you guys rake up after the forwarder or that's not your job?
The gardeners in the park do that.

The no cleanup deal is what made it such a relaxing, fun job.
Just get the tree on the ground, section it in forwarder lengths and go home.
What could be better .
We finished early so I bought ice cream for the crew at a nearby ice cream stand.
What's the deal in that second vid Mick? That's an interesting construction there. Kinda looks like an abandoned millrace or canal.
What's the deal in that second vid Mick? That's an interesting construction there. Kinda looks like an abandoned millrace or canal.
I think it was something to do with the Monastary that is adjacent to the job. Probably an old farm track used by generations of dairy cattle, they brick up the sides as it gets deeper and deeper, then a bridge to cross by foot.

I’m a bit annoyed now tbh I didn’t ask the owner, who was on site.