Today I had a nice relief from months of , to quote Murphy:" whole scale tree slaughter" and went the complete other way.
The oldest, and we are talking 600 years here, which ought to impress the New World members, water mill in Denmark has a huge Horse chestnut.
Since they also have lots of visitors, I have done a safety check on it every 3 years for some years.
Now the time had come for reducing a couple of long, horizontal branches ( Horse chestnut is somewhat prone to summer branch drop) and installing a Cobra system in the tree.
I brought one of my old apprentices in ( from 98 ) since he is an expert in that.
Had the new apprentice go up with him in the bucket and learn from him.
They both had a great day. Caspar is a good teacher and Emil sucks up knowledge like a sponge.
I directed traffic and was bored out of my mind.
But the local National park paid for the job, and they'll put pictures in the local papers and mention us.
That is the kind of tree that is good for my reputation, to be working on.