The World's biggest hedge.
I love it!!!
Years ago I was asked by a professional balloonist if we could turn a large Beech tree by his house into the shape of a Montgolfier baloon.
I looked at it and told him it would be possible, but would need yearly cutting and be quite expensive..
I also said, that we'd be willing to trade for the work.
So we spent a day with a bucket truck ( Richard's 11 year old kid, who is a genius with mechanical stuff, running the truck) and me on the ground with a laser pointer, getting the tree into shape.
A month later, the client took both our families up for an amazing balloon ride.
We made the deal that we'd cut the tree yearly and every second year, go flying.
I asked him if we could attach ropes to the "basket" and rappell down and ride under the baloon.
Imagine hanging from you lifeline 1,3 kilomerters up in the air.
He agreed and asked if he could have another balloon flying next to us and film it.
Unfortunately he died of a heart attack the year after, but we got one fantastic flight out of it.