You do seem to draw the uglies, Jed. Well done on a hard to win situation. My hat is doffed, sir.
I can relate, in that the nastier the hazard tree on USFS ground, the higher the potential damage from a poor fell, then the more likely my phone was to ring with a call for help, back when I was working. Comes with the territory, I suppose...once you have established a reputation, a record of managing the bad ones well, it just my sphere, and in yours.
I once in a while wondered, after surviving yet another bad tree that could easily kill anyone sent to deal with it successfully, me included, for sure..."would I be smarter to 'eff one or two of these bastards up sufficient to give pause to these calls to yet again put my skill, talent, and luck against the odds"...or just say?" I cannot handle that one."
Never was tempted, really. The challenge was the fuel. People who retreat from this sort of risk don't, and thus cannot, ever get near this level of competency...just not in their genes, I think.
Oh...there was that one time. The heritage barn, the impossible to fell without iron that management was unwilling to provide per my requisites. As I recall that one went badly for them, after I walked away
