Did you know that by buying Manchego, you are supporting one of the World's rarest vultures, the Lammergeier?
I didn't know that. Details?
The Lammergeier
Bearded vulture - Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bearded_vulture
Is in serious decline.
It is dependant on the old way of keeping goats and sheep in the mountains.
Ever so often, one falls off a cliff and becomes vulture feed.
As that way of living is disappearing, so is the food for the Lammergeier.
So by buying the kinds of cheeses, that are made in the mountains, from goat or sheep milk, you are supporting a lifestyle that is disappearing and, doing so, helping the Lammergeier, too.
Schweiz, my by now second homeland, has started a breed and release program that is working real well.
But like with the California Condor, once the original living conditions are gone, it'll never be the same.
Now it is sorta like a big zoo, where they live "wild" but get taken care of.
So eat some Manchego and help one of the 3 last original populatiuons.
( I wrote this from memory, so if anything in the Wiki article says differently, Wiki is most likely right)