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If you could teach that thing to swim in a straight line he'd probably be faster than Michael Phelps
*It wasn't posted merely for for the sake of being shocking- more to elaborate on the scale of destruction being meted out to our oceans, there's a fair bit commentary including Paul Watson (founder of Green Peace/ Sea Shepherd).
That's some sad stuff. I drove by a new development in my area today, destruction of prairie dog habitat. The shit never stops, land, sea and sky, we are really friggin' up.
Then go live in a tepee dude!

There is a whole lot of this country that has to be managed so youse domesticated folks dont have to do it for yourselves!

As an interesting twist, Indian Reservations around here make a good bit of money charging folks to shoot prairie dogs.
There is a whole lot of this country that has to be managed so youse domesticated folks dont have to do it for yourselves!

Silly me, I forgot that Jim's ranch makes my domestic world go round, kill away, Jim. As always you are right... (in your own mind)
I ain't watching that shit.

I don't think I can either. Btw did you notice how small that shark in the front picture for the vid was?

Chris, are you saying its worth watching (ha or listening too)?
Jim, obviously you are doing good chit with your farm changeover, so we know you aint all bad;), but what's the deal with prairie dogs. Yeah I live in CT, idk what they do that is a problem, fill us in if you will please. I gotta go out and get my granola from the teepee, I'll check in after.
Oh, dont pout Levi.

I just get a kick out of how guilty everyone feels. Sure, we can do better, and lots of people DO better every year.

Until we stop breeding or maybe start colonizing Mars, we might just have to dam a river for power and irrigation, cultivate a field for vegetables, pour a cement slab for a wind turbine and drive a boat so someone can eat a Fillet-o-Fish.

Humans are going to have some impact on the environment. How much or how little is up to us and how much we consume.

In the wise words of Jean Gerard, "the cutworm forgives the plow".
Cory it has some gruesome footage but it also has some interesting factual information from scientists etc, if you have your doubts then probably leave it... but at least be aware, 73 million de finned and thrown back alive , yearly..
This whole thing about respect for life, it can get amusing: I hike in the town wooded open space, let the dogs run loose, its only 186 acres but it seems bigger cuz the surrounding properties are wooded. So a few weeks ago I see somebody has apparently been pulling over saplings, like 3" caliper, probably some young dork just screwing around. Then last week I see the friggin' cock for brains has been chopping down saplings with an axe, just leaving them there, not chopping up for a bon fire or anything. 2 of them were 5" caliper white oaks:X So I've spent some time thinking what I would do if I caught the perp, it usually circles back to a pretty good beating. But can't you just see the headlines?? "Man who has cut down thousands of trees beats teenager for chopping down 5 saplings"
Cory it has some gruesome footage but it also has some interesting factual information from scientists etc, if you have your doubts then probably leave it... but at least be aware, 73 million de finned and thrown back alive , yearly..

I'm just shaking my head. Is the problem lessening at all or as bad or worse than ever?

Ya know, Im all about this finning issue, but just thinking, 73 million per year is 8,333 sharks per hour working 24/7 365, makes one wonder if that figure is accurate.
Jim, I thought you were indicating P dogs screw up the land somehow, what's up with dem dogs?
it usually circles back to a pretty good beating. But can't you just see the headlines?? "Man who has cut down thousands of trees beats teenager got chopping down 5 saplings"

I'm not sure in the states there, but wouldn't you be arrested and likely go to jail for beating someone up for that? It could be a worse offense than cutting the trees. I suspect that you making a citizens arrest and holding that person until the police came would be a wiser scenario. Possibly if you had to defend yourself you could use a greater degree of force, however the law works. I wonder how much force you can use to hold a person in that type situation and not get in trouble for it?