The New Offical Mutts of the House thread

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Used the same method when we bought our mare.
She thought it was great fun to gnaw away at the boards separating the horse boxes in the stall.
When I mashed up some Scotch Bonnet chilies and smeared it on the tops of the board, the fun went right out of that.:lol:
Ha ha.

Igor ripped his dewclaw a while back and I had to keep an eye on him to stop him bothering it.

Touch and go if we had to put a cone on him, but eventually it recovered enough and he stopped.

It’s upsetting though I know.

Charlie was fine with that stuff though, even after spaying her I had the cone off next day and she was fine, didn’t obsess at all.

What's funny is over the years he's had a few different cuts and never needed any special attention, licked a bit but never obsessed or chewed himself apart. This time though he really did a number on himself. He's getting better though scabbed right over now and didn't even growl with this mornings polysporin application. Trying to keep it moistened so it won't itch so bad.

I tried the hot sauce on boards for our horses too Stig. But only used franks and apparently that was to mild, the horse loved it. Lol.

Dave have you tried any joint supplements for Otis? Might help? Maybe to late. We gave our big guys glucosamine I think it was all through their formative years.
That sucks...hope the old guy gets better soon.

Otis has been gimping around, keeping weight off one rear leg, when he first gets up for the last couple weeks. Vet thinks it's arthritis (@ 4yrs old?)...wonder if it might have to do with all the time in the pound... Says if it gets worse we could medicate for pain and keep him immobile....WTH? Try keeping a 4 year old bull-terrier still all the time? And why only treat the symptoms...

He spends the biggest part of his days lounging as it is...I was thinking it might be form laying around too much...who knows...

Right now just carrying on as usual and seeing how things go. Be nice if it just went away...

Actually, medicating for pain for a while is not a bad idea.

If it is an inflammation, gimping and not moving naturally might actually worsen it.

Metacam is really great for that, might talk to your vet about that.

Have you had the leg x-rayed?
<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/aw0JbKX"><a href="//">This is why you never turn traction control off</a></blockquote><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
It is also why I stopped years ago playing games like that with my dogs.
Just too many injuries.
They can chase werewolves and chupacabra if they want excercise... :)

My mom put hot sauce on my nails so I wouldn't chew them...

Miss my old Penny... went down with the 30 day tumor...


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<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/C3cHx9F"><a href="//">Part dog, part polar bear</a></blockquote><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/waiE4lq"><a href="//">When you have no idea what is going on but it's okay because you're a dog and love life</a></blockquote><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
Now, that just made my day:lol:

Unfortunately, that could have been my Thais.

After a life with some really great dogs ( And some not so fine, one of which I ended up shooting) I end up with a happy idiot for my last dog.

Only good thing, he is super easy to train, so I'll end up with a perfectly trained idiot, that I really don't like very much.

Sometimes playing the hand that you are dealt really sucks!
<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/n6PIiYz"><a href="//">Wow that's a cool dog, look at him go!</a></blockquote><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>