The New Offical Mutts of the House thread

  • Thread starter Werks 4 da Man
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That's not the fault of spay or neuter surgery in general...that's the fault of a crappy surgeon.

Don't confuse one with the other.

Nonetheless, very sorry for your dad, Jim. That is hard.
Burnham, it took us a few months to get over Charlie, we're so glad we got Igor, he's fitted right in.

Don't delay!


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If you want the new dog to be the old dog, then that's an unfair expectation. Unfair expectation is the first step to unhappiness.

So we have to be emotionally past that desire, want, and wish.

So true, and great advice. :thumbup:
Igor, cool name. Neighbor has a toy Chihuahua, named him Bruno... lol. Cracks me up, he weighs every bit of two pounds.

(stock photo)
I've decided not to have Igor castrated, he's not aggressive, doesn't hump legs and is clean, so why put him through it?

I think that's fine as long as he isn't wandering off loose like you mentioned he was doing at first.

Both of my big fellas are unaltered and they've never caused any accidental pregnancies. I had the same thoughts as you they aren't aggressive, don't hump things/people, and I was worried they'd just get fat and lazy by snipping them. They are about nine and eight respectively so have already lived a good life for big dogs and for mastiff crosses they are in very good shape for their age and have been their whole life. I think not fixing them has helped in that regards.

I lol at those contemplating getting 'a' dog. Thunder, tank, horto, and buckler. Now that's a pack!

Well he does piss off, but I've spent all week fencing the garden so that should put paid to that.

I believe it's more about the hunt than the #unt that's causing his runaways.

You may be right though.
Yah for sure. That's the major responsibility if you want to keep a unaltered dog imo. Is insuring it isn't accidentally breeding. If you can do that than why bother snipping em? I snipped the little guys because they were starting to hump stuff. Undesirable feature in a lap dog.
He was running off from the day he arrived.

He has gone for as long as 4 hrs before, I took the truck and found him by chance the other side of the valley. He was hunting animals.

(perhaps a bit of r&r after a few stolen hours of amour)
That's a great pic Ray!

The little guy sitting on the black dog is Horto, I swear he thinks he's a parrot or something. He'll climb right up and sit on the big guys shoulders/head while they're sitting. Every time I try to get a photo though........ Dogs, I wouldn't want to be without one myself. That's why I've got four, hedge my bets, overlap for when one passes.
All four of my guys stay in a huge kennel together and never any issues between them unless a little guy gets stepped on. Those little guys have endless energy and will pester the big guys to play all day long. I've seen big tanky showing the full set of teeth and growling like he's going to kill something and still the little guys will fearlessly pester him, and never a nip.

I will say the big guys will go at each other the odd time a bit. Old morons, usually over the last bit of food or who gets attention if someone comes up to the fence. I also never risk other people's dogs with them. They aren't aggressive but they're dominant. Ever since the old all black one was attacked once, he will never submit to another dog again. If they submit it's cool and if not for him it's no holds barred go time.
It's cool how they all have different personalities. The little chiweeny loves a bone and if you act like you're going to get it she growls and bares her teeth like crazy. Then when you stop it's like; "why'd you quit?" She wouldn't even think about biting, she just likes to play the game.
Thais had a little accident.
I don't know what happened, wife came in and told me I had to take a dog to the vet.
He cut his leg to the bone. The vet had to sew 4 layers of muscle and skin together.
So he is having to take it easy for a while. Wears a lampshade on his head and doesn't get to go to the woods.
Last part is what bothers him, the lamp shade not so much as you can probably tell.

In another week, he should be good as new. P1050632.JPG P1050633.JPG P1050634.JPG
Sorry to hear about Thais, dogs can run pretty fast, if they miscalculate and hit some barbed wire or something it can do some damage.
Thais is doing fine.
The sewn area stays cool, and doesn't leak, so all is fine.

Richard and I do the outside maintenance around my friend's veterinary clinic.
We don't bill them, they don't bill us.
Works out well for both parties.

Thais had to go under total anestesia for them to sew that mess up.
So I brought him in and picked him up about 5 hours later.
The vet and the veterinaran nurse, that had been working on him, gave him back to me with this comment: " Wow, this is such a sweet dog"
That is Thais in a nut shell.............A sweet dog.

Good thing his little brother ( Who is way bigger) has a serious werewolf gene.

Sweet dogs are fine and lovely, but when you live next to the biggest refugee camp in the country, a wannabe werewolf is good to have.