The New Offical Mutts of the House thread

  • Thread starter Werks 4 da Man
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This little badger was a really cool pet. One day while a few of us were out fixing fence we came across a badger hole that had a badger in it and like the mischievous kids we were we tried digging it up. Our intentions were not good but luckily the mother was a faster digger than we were. She was able to stay ahead of us long enough for us to loose interest but not before we captured her babies. Our first plan of attack was to smoke her out. This did not work so we started digging and before long we came across our first victim. It was a little baby badger. He had suffered some serious smoke inhalation and was not breathing. A few puffs to the nose and he started to come around, so back to digging we went. After a few more minutes we found another baby. The mother must have grabbed him and started digging which dammed up the hole and did not let the smoke get to him. Two baby badgers was enough to make us loose interest in digging any more so we stuck them in my lunch box and headed for home.

The first poor little guy only lived about a week but second one was happy and healthy. I named him Stumpy. At this point I still did not realize what I was getting myself into. I had to bottle feed him for about 2 months before he was old enough to start eating cat food. What a pain that was. My next big problem with him was putting the house back together after he would tear it apart. He would put his head against the wall grab the molding and pull it off then start tearing up the carpet. I had to leave the bathroom door shut so he didn't get behind the drier and pull the drier vent off. In the kitchen he finally figured out that if he laid on his back he could grab the bottom of the cupboard and pull it open. This would result in everything from the cupboard being scattered on the floor and a nice little turd would wind up in the back of the cupboard.

I finally decided that he had to go outside. I got some fencing wire and made a nice little pen in the back yard. I even buried it so he would not dig under it. So out he goes and I go back in the house. A few minutes later I can hear him scratching at the back door. The new back door. Before I could get to him he had stripped out all the weather stripping he reach with his long little claws. Well the damage is done now so I decided to leave him and go to the store. I went out and got in the pickup to leave and here comes running over to the fence to see what I'm doing. When he spots me leaving he goes into spider man mode and scales the fence, landing on his head when he falls off the other side. But this does not slow him down a bit, he's not letting me leave without him. So I throw him in the front seat and to the store I go. He would never let me get very far from him. It didn't matter where we were he has always plodding along right behind me.

In case I forgot to mention it badgers do not discipline like dogs. Stumpy would put his head down and take a beating like a trooper, growling at me the whole time. Then without any hesitation he would go right back to doing whatever it was he wasn't suppose to be doing. Around and around we would go but he just couldn't figure out what all the discipline was for. He never did get mean but he did scare a few people. When he heard someone at the front door he would run and jump into the firewood box and stick his head over the top and growl when they came in the door. You also had to where shoes at all times because he would hide and come running out and attack your feet. He was only playing but didn't understand how to play gentle.

Pictures coming soon.
Remember the badger story going around the net a few years ago? Funny as heck Can someone post it? If i remember, it had foul language, but it was funny.
Here 'tis!

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