Interesting point. Ancient man was considerably stronger, and thankfully we all are simply standing on their shoulders. Adversity will come again, in fact, it's arguably here already. Overconsumption, in my opinion, is caused as much by our economic model as anything else. Capitalism is based off of the idea that continuous exponential growth is not only attainable, but necessary for the system to continue to work. Coming off the gold standard only made it worse, because now all we have is the fiat currency inflating as wages remain stagnant. The only things hiding the effects are the facts that just about everyone is in the same boat, and our education system and news programs us with compliance and that everything is normal and ok.
Society is getting stronger, and a handful have access to the levers, while the rest of us simply run on the hamster wheel. I agree with your implication that collapse is imminent, and i argue that it is needed in order to continue our evolution. History has shown time and time again that we plateau for awhile, then major changes happen in a very short time frame. Rome was able to maintain a plateau for a very long time, but many things in their society were a living hell for a large portion of the population of earth. Its collapse was needed and although overzealous religion set back mankind's progress for a millennia, we are in a far better place now than we were.
Your point on foods is interesting, because we do seem to have unlimited variety. However, i contend that we really do not have as much as we like to think. Most everything we have is made from corn, soybeans, and wheat. In the past 100 years, our understanding of chemistry has allowed us to break down our crops into their basic building blocks, and then reassemble them into many different combinations quite cheaply. Scientists are just now understanding the results of this, and surprise, they are not all good. The problem is that cheap food is cheaper than normal healthy food, and the cheap food has been scientifically designed to trigger the brain to think that its what is required. The agriculture and food processing industry is also propped up by our tax dollars, which further distorts the truth.
Our society is based on resource extraction leads to wealth, and the option of working less. This of course is a lie for the majority of the population, as ancient man (pre agriculture) likey had more leisure time than we do now. The difference is that now only a few reap the benefits while most work almost continuously. Before, if the tribe killed a mammoth, everyone ate like gods and lounged, because killing another one would be pointless until the first one was gone, because the meat would likely spoil. Studies have shown that monogamy wasn't likey practiced, so ancient man probably had better sex too. Agriculture was inarguably a major advancement for the species, however it has led to the warring, violent societies that have come since. Technology will always have its downsides.
As technology actually is exponential, we are at a point when things are changing faster than any point of human existence. And our kids will have it change even faster yet. AI is basically here already, and so we will actually create something that is smarter than us. If we have the foresight to stop our endless growth model before it's too late, our descendents will likely live in a world with even better conditions, and it will actually be sustainable. If not, billions will have to die and we can start over from the caveman.