No, I don't set off the metal detectors, which is a surprise.
Jer, I got into the sport back in the late 80's. At the time I was a competitive powerlifter and really enjoyed lifting the heavy weights, though I did not care for performing in front of a crowd because I'm really quite shy. One day a big dude in the gym challanged me to an arm wrestling match. I didn't want to but everyone kept egging me on so I did it and kicked his ass badly 3 times in a row. I had lightning fast reflexes and kept beating him in a top roll.
Well, one of the guys watching that day was a professional arm wrestler and he encouraged me to join his team, so I started training and competing in contests with them. I really enjoyed it, but again I didn't like being up in front of a crowd too much.
Now, the worst part of this broken arm and surgery was that my wonderful wife Heide had just given birth 7 days earlier to our first daughter! Poor Heide had to not only take care of a brand new baby but also this big! Heide is my rock and my angel, and she can run my saws and GRCS as well.