Al Smith
Mac Daddy
Now right there I could get on my soap box and lecture the whole damned lot of them .You might be able to clear cut those western slopes down to the bare nubbins and replant and harvest every 50-60 years .You can't do that with hardwoods ,doesn't work that way .He died and whoever got it sold out to the above logger. Stripped it down to small saplings. Criminal.
Once they screw it up it will take 3 life times before it ever comes back .I've seen so many nice tracts that got so screwed up as far back as the 60's and have as yet to be much more than just a thicket .Now had the landowners not been so eager for a little bit of log money those nice tracts could have yielded prime lumber indefinately .Reminds me of the song "they paved paradise and put up a parking lot "