Yeah that's the best thing to do, along with oil or fogging spray in the cylinder and sea foam in the fuel lines and carb. In reality, here's how it normally goes.
Guy 1: do we got a generator on this damn job?
Guy 2: yeah in the trailer, but it doesn't have a pull start thing because we stole it when the one on the pump broke.
Guy 1: go grab it, and grab some rope or string or some shit. If you aren't back in 10 min I swear to god I'm gonna use your g string to start this pos.
12 min later...
Guy 1: wrap this around here like this, then pull when I tell you to.
Guy 2: why do I gotta pull
Guy 1: because you are an apprentice, and therefore have no real life skillz. (Guy 2 nods, won't start. Pull air filter and completely clogged with concrete dust.)
Guy 1: go blow this out with a cutting torch, I'm gonna grab some ether
Guy 2: we don't have one
Guy 1: goddamnit if I gotta hold your hand anymore people will think you are my prison bitch. Go steal the ironworkers one, they don't know how to use it anyways...
5 min later, it's running.