Super Splitter

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So now we have, what?
Short cords, long cords, face cords.
Why don't you guys just wise up and go metric?

A cubic meter is a cubic meter!
Cords you say? :D
That buggy is somethin' else! I like like the splitter/conveyor combo, you'd think they could update those videos though!
Firewood here is a joke. $150-175/cord early in the season, down to 100-125/cord later in the winter when guys are laid off and desperate for money. It just doesnt pay. Last year, I gave serious thought to getting serious and moving a lot of firewood. Time/money invested vs final profit just didnt add up. To be honest, this is my first year not selling firewood. Business was booming this year, and I couldnt justify putting time into firewood when there was always a long list of tree jobs waiting to get done. I think we did split about 15 cords in the spring. I heat my own house on firewood, and use a retired farm to run the business off of year round in exchange for providing the farmer with enough wood to heat his home for the winter. I have been splitting a little wood lately here at the house just for kicks I suppose. I honestly enjoy splitting wood. Not a lot, but on a nice fall afternoon, theres something a little nostalgic for me about getting some wood split and stacked. My oldest daughter is just shy of 5 years old and LOVES helping split wood. I dont know why, but I am proud to see a sense of work in her at a young age. I often have her sit on a round a work the lever for me and she just smiles the whole time. Periodically, when we are out shopping and she sees something she likes, I give her the money, remind her that Im paying her for splitting wood, and we take it to the counter and buy it. I dont believe in paying kids for chores and house work, BUT, I use splitting wood to build in her a sense of hard work, and reward that follows hard work in life.
Now Stig a cord is a cord just like a pint is a pint .We don't need to throw that metric nonsense in to confuse everybody now .

Those prices for cherry and birch is yuppie stuff .Cherry smells good and paper birch looks cool .They pile a little stack of it near the fireplace just for decoration because more times than not the damned thing is gas fired plus has a remote control .Pshaw !

Hickory and mesquite are two highly favored woods for smoking .Hickory we have galore ,no mesquite.Got cherry though no birch .

Two things they don't smoke with ,piss elm and pussy willow .
I use all kinds of fruit and nut wood (not walnut), some oak, madrone and on extremely rare occasion, hickory. I heard the post office has lost my hickory order:/:
I used to scoop up hickory saw chips for a guy at work .He used an electric skillet in the bottom of a garbage can for a smoker .New can of course metal not plastic .

Now I can't honestly say I've ever shipped saw chips before but there's a first time for everything . There's a big dead hickory I'm going to take down later on .I'll save some chips .
the firewood price around here went up a couple years ago. I used to get $65/rick (1/3 cord) delivered but got tired of delivering so i upped the price 20 for delivery and there was no change. that price too is for mixed wood. I separate my oak and pecan and both get sold for more. This year im getting 90 for mixed, 100 for oak, 110 for pecan unless they are previous buyers then its still 100.

we have the same firewood prob here except backwards. early in the season, everyone is selling wood. once it gets cold, guys like me w/ wood from all year still have it to sell while the others have come to realize there is no money in it or at least not what they thought there was.

ive looked at the smaller processors w/ the thought of getting one as my single split seems too slow but every video shows them splitting nice pretty stuff. i want to see them splitting branchy, knotty, crooked stuff, the stuff like i have in my pile.

willie, if youd like some pecan, ill send you some chunks in a usps flat rate box. same family as hickory, diff flavor. ther is also mesquite out west but its all small and not worth the time.
Actually I was screwing with Arborworks, were supposed to be trading madrone for hickory. Wish I had found a place on my trip to bring some home.
okie, I'd make the same deal if you want some madrone chunks for pecan. We have a couple pecan around here but I don't think I have ever had enough to smoke with
I used to scoop up hickory saw chips for a guy at work .He used an electric skillet in the bottom of a garbage can for a smoker .New can of course metal not plastic .

Now I can't honestly say I've ever shipped saw chips before but there's a first time for everything . There's a big dead hickory I'm going to take down later on .I'll save some chips .

Al, at one restaurant I worked at they would occasionally add a type of smoked fish as a special. We had a good sized wok station. We would put the hickory chips in the bottom of the wok and then a little round like grill that would suspend the fish just above it....
I dreaded those nights as there was just never enough ventilation system to clear the kitchen of smoke fast enough :lol:
I'm not a great fan of smoked fish myself .A little smoked salmon is okay at times but being a rather "gamey " fish in my opinion it's either smoked as an apetizer type thing or pattys or else I don't fool with it .

I know ,I know I'm odd about fish but that's just the way I am .
Your local price would equate to the same as here, about £100 a cord (2 x 6 x 10)

Plenty of guys do very nicely out of it. I have friends who will cut, split and deliver a load in an hour.

How many friends cutting and splitting? With what sort of equipment? And delivering how far in what kind of a rig? 'Round here it isn't adding up.
usually 1 man operation using a processor, and delivering over a 10 - 15 mile radius? the smart guys have everything cut and split in the summer, and it takes 5 minutes with a front loader to put a load on the truck.
A guy around here sells 4-5 cord loads of logs on a truck with a Prentice loader. $600. What he does to woods he logs is atrocious. He has logged all the woods around me. There won't be anything to harvest for 30 years. There was a nice woods that the old man who owned it used to log every 10 or 15 years. He was really doing a nice job with spacing it out. He died and whoever got it sold out to the above logger. Stripped it down to small saplings. Criminal.
I don't sell the stuff anymore but still keep a few years ahead by getting it done in fairly nice weather .

Tom farts around too much .Here it is people on the phone for wood and there it sits,mountains of it in the round yet .

It took a lot of lecturing like a Dutch uncle to get him to cut the stuff firewood length before he muddied it up with a skidloader and ruined all his saw chains .6 foot pieces that will eventually cause his crew hernias or bad backs lugging around .Then full of gravel once you cut it down .Good grief ,mumble grumble .

The only good thing is most of it's dead ash .It isn't like oak that will stay wet forever .