Firewood here is a joke. $150-175/cord early in the season, down to 100-125/cord later in the winter when guys are laid off and desperate for money. It just doesnt pay. Last year, I gave serious thought to getting serious and moving a lot of firewood. Time/money invested vs final profit just didnt add up. To be honest, this is my first year not selling firewood. Business was booming this year, and I couldnt justify putting time into firewood when there was always a long list of tree jobs waiting to get done. I think we did split about 15 cords in the spring. I heat my own house on firewood, and use a retired farm to run the business off of year round in exchange for providing the farmer with enough wood to heat his home for the winter. I have been splitting a little wood lately here at the house just for kicks I suppose. I honestly enjoy splitting wood. Not a lot, but on a nice fall afternoon, theres something a little nostalgic for me about getting some wood split and stacked. My oldest daughter is just shy of 5 years old and LOVES helping split wood. I dont know why, but I am proud to see a sense of work in her at a young age. I often have her sit on a round a work the lever for me and she just smiles the whole time. Periodically, when we are out shopping and she sees something she likes, I give her the money, remind her that Im paying her for splitting wood, and we take it to the counter and buy it. I dont believe in paying kids for chores and house work, BUT, I use splitting wood to build in her a sense of hard work, and reward that follows hard work in life.