Stihl 500i

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Info from video. First cuts this saw has made. 28” bar 3/8 full comp square chain and a 7 pin in a red oak log. US or Canada.

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Red oak cuts like butter. Doesn't seem too impressive, but then I don't often run such small saws.
Wow, Frankie... as your avatar suggests, you must be some kink of saw wizard or something. You said, "in the work that I do,"... what work is that? Tree service? Logger? Firewood bucker?

Corey: Like Butch said... in general, yeah, but not necessarily. For instance, the Madsen's "power-tuned," (A proprietary name for their version of a "woods-port) saws which are currently done by a genius named Sean Allager, are shipped back to the owners with stock mufflers on the Huskys which are even still sporting the spark arrestors; but those things still exhibit absolutely astonishing gains. Man, it was great talking to you yesterday bro.

Butch: How's the battle going?

Dave: Yeah, that's what I thought... unimpressive vid, for sure.
Owner of both saws in hardwood country US GA. = Since the 500 arrived I haven’t run my 462. In fact, I boxed the 462 up and put it away. The only problem I have with running them both side by side is that now the wife can see 2 shiny new saws and then questions must be answered.
I love the 500 btw, a huge Hickory fell in the night the week after it arrived. I have been wearing that tree out. It’s about 30” at the base and I’m working my way up to it. The 500 has more power/grunt out of the box and I think will make the better saw for the feller. The 462 while certainly a Pro saw will make a better “firewood gathering” type saw. I’ve run both saws with the same bar(25”) and RS chain.
I actually love them both. I can see the dust gathering.......on all my old Stihls.
Jed , Where I’m at the EAB has taken its toll on our ash trees ... My gig is to drop em and turn em into firewood on location for the customer as I have tools (ported saws and kinetic splitter , ropes , wedges etc) to do the job ... Not my bread and butter but a nice side gig nonetheless! I also heat my home with wood and sell seasoned firewood so it works out well ! I also work with local tree services when I need a climber or bucket-truck or the job requires more experience than I possess (safety first ). If 30% gains over stock qualify me as a Saw Wizard then I accept the title lol ! I bought a few professionally ported saws and liked the increased performance and $ they produced ... I started modding cheap Craigslist saws and progressed thru the learning curve and now have (thru trial and error) a “recipe” that works well imho - excellent torque and fuel economy to boot ! I have a robot chain grinder to true up the chain and my hand filing seems to work well for me ... I guess a guy can go to the gym or get paid for Tree work as it is physically demanding work and not for everyone ! Kinda pick and choose my jobs as I’ve found ALOT of people want you to bust your ass for beans and rice !

Here’s a small one I did last week , my neighbor FINALLY bought a used 271 farmboss and I gave him a hand getting her done ... STIHL waiting on the strip-steak dinner with all the fixings though lol ! I brought an xtra hard hat but he didn’t wanna wear it ??? Testa - Dura I guess
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Alf the greek owns the 7910 and 500i. Info he shared.

On AV =Similar to the 462. IT's much softer feeling than traditional Stihls. More in line with a Dolmar 79XX AV system, but a touch softer.

The 462 is a higher revving saw and a very fast cutter even stock. I've found that the 50oi is very impressive after porting. It suffers from clogged muffler design stock to meet EPA stuff, I assume.

The 500i has monster torque after muffler mod and break-in. It needs at least 10 tanks of gas to wake up. It won't be the fastest saw out of the box, which is what most folks are showing in the YT videos.

I've ported mine and it absolutely screams. Videos don't do it any justice. I wouldn't trade my 500i for a 462--this one is staying right here.
I sold my 462......bought a 500i.

No other reason that to have a stock saw to compare ported saws of the same model too. I've ported about 20 462s and feel like I have the "recipe" pretty well dialed in.
I've heard the cost, power, and fuel economy makes the 462 the better buy. Why should we buy the 500i? Or is this going to come down to personal preference?

This could probably go either way when comparing the better buy stock vs the better buy ported, but maybe one will win the preference both ways.
I have to give props to Husqvarna on the 572XP. I've got two tree companies that tried a ported 572. They both have decided to sell their MS461s and get more 572s. Smoother in the hand, good speed in the cut, and no issues so far is what they are saying. The ported 461 has more grunt, and pulls more bar, but they like the 572......
Husqvarnas are smooth. I remember cutting firewood with my first saw, a non antivibe 38cc poulan. I eventually borrowed dad's 359, and it was so extremely smooth, just incredible.

A friend of mine said my muffler mod 2188 with very aggressive skip chain was smooth (he normally uses a stock 455), I was surprised, but figured he meant how it just self feeds so well with no effort.
Smooth in the cut...a true desired characteristic in any case.

But the chain choice made, the grunt available from the powerhead, then applied to different wood types? Hard to credit the saw alone.

As a simple example...I get super smooth cuts in PNW conifers with full skip chisel, on my big saws (Stihl 044 28 in. bar, and 064 32 in. bar). Same chain on my 361 pulling 25 inch bar, it does tend to chatter a bit in the big stuff at times. Any of them, if I put those same saws to madrone or the native white oak here, I'll tend to get some chatter and pull.
Is that because the rakers are set for softer wood? I only ask because out by you the abundance of conifer would mean you are use to setting them for soft wood, no?
I usually set my rakers at about .025" and don't really notice a difference in cutting between the two. I did however notice that .025" on the rakers is too much for old growth forest spawned sugar maple and that stuff liked .020-.015" on the rakers, hard as a rock.
My friend, you dial your rakers in far more closely than I do :). I have no idea their measured position. I file them by eye, following many decades of use of an ancient Stihl raker guide.

But sure, I can get away with a somewhat more aggressive depth of cut with Douglas, Noble, Grand, Silver, Sub-alpine firs or Western larch than I can with a true hardwood. Actually, out here many of the "hardwoods" generally are soft, too...think red alder, cottonwood, willow.

Frankly, I think your question basically proves my point. That being...saying X saw is smoother in the cut than Y or Z is foolish...too many variables to say for sure, imo.
Every saw has its application ... imho IF a guy is using a 20” bar 90% of the time ya just cannot go wrong with a 462c on steroids ... The light-weight , power and “flick-ability” of this Saw is a game - changer for sure ! The 572xp is a fine Saw in its own right however it’s engine design is quite different from the STIHL ; 572 xp features a smaller bore with a longer stroke than the STIHL Its also down on displacement a few cc ; while the 572xp can be made to run strong I personally would never give up a ported 461 let alone a hotwoods 462c for a 572xp ! Ford / Chevy I guess ... As far as the chain goes ... that’s where the rubber meets the road ! I can blast thru a 18”silver maple (same Saw / atmospheric conditions/fuel/chain etc) Round 2x fast as a 18” hard maple round ... lotsa builders showcasing their saws cutting “balsa wood” - sure looks impressive don’t it ?
Smooth in the cut...a true desired characteristic in any case.

But the chain choice made, the grunt available from the powerhead, then applied to different wood types? Hard to credit the saw alone.

As a simple example...I get super smooth cuts in PNW conifers with full skip chisel, on my big saws (Stihl 044 28 in. bar, and 064 32 in. bar). Same chain on my 361 pulling 25 inch bar, it does tend to chatter a bit in the big stuff at times. Any of them, if I put those same saws to madrone or the native white oak here, I'll tend to get some chatter and pull.

Smooth in the cut simply meant spring AV VS rubber in the post I made. The MS361, MS441, and most newer Stihls all have spring AV as I'm sure you are well aware. The MS461s that these guys are replacing still has the old school rubber buffers. I can see the 572XP being an improvement in vibs transmitted to the user in that case. The issue I've had for years with Huskys 5xx series saws is that they don't seem to hold up very well.....and hot start issues have plagued them. I'm just hoping to see a 5xx series that is better in the 572.
Every saw has its application ... imho IF a guy is using a 20” bar 90% of the time ya just cannot go wrong with a 462c on steroids ... The light-weight , power and “flick-ability” of this Saw is a game - changer for sure ! The 572xp is a fine Saw in its own right however it’s engine design is quite different from the STIHL ; 572 xp features a smaller bore with a longer stroke than the STIHL Its also down on displacement a few cc ; while the 572xp can be made to run strong I personally would never give up a ported 461 let alone a hotwoods 462c ! Ford / Chevy I guess ... As far as the chain goes ... that’s where the rubber meets the road ! I can blast thru a 18”silver maple (same Saw / atmospheric conditions/fuel/chain etc) Round 2x fast as a 18” hard maple round ... lotsa builders showcasing their saws cutting “balsa wood” - sure looks impressive don’t it ?

Rizzo? Is that you?
How can I help you Randy ? Lol

I don't need anything at all. I'm just glad to see that you seem to have tempered your rhetoric a bit. Hopefully you've found a forum that you can stick around on. These folks here on the Treehouse are by far the most respectful group of people I've encountered on the world wide web. Good Luck !!!!!
I don't need anything at all. I'm just glad to see that you seem to have tempered your rhetoric a bit. Hopefully you've found a forum that you can stick around on. These folks here on the Treehouse are by far the most respectful group of people I've encountered on the world wide web. Good Luck !!!!!
Yah , never engaged in “rhetoric”- always just gave the truth as I saw it , some have different opinions and I think that’s wonderful - different strokes for different folks yeppers ! Treehouse is a wealth of knowledge no doubt and the members here are FAR more respectful than on some “other” forums lol ... I leave you in Gods hands !!!!!