My hard to start but does start STIHL 211


Nov 5, 2020
Houston Texas
My dear little STIHL 211 has always been a really mean to start chainsaw, after maybe an hour of going through no choke to half choke then full choke, then i sit down about five minuets and give it a try again with nothing happening except me getting tired.

I am pretty sure i am flooding it as i can remove the plug clean it and sometimes it fires right up, but again many times it won't start like today i pulled the plug three times cleaning it and pulling the cord to clear any excess gas out.

Then after the last plug cleaning and clearing it fired up, any ideas what i am doing or not doing with my 211?

My 211 does not have a compression release and is really hard to pull cord.


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    Stihl ms211 sharping 05232022.jpg (1).jpeg
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A 211 shouldn't be hard to pull.

Had your carb been adjusted?

Is your plug getting carbon buildup from use?

Smoke from the exhaust?
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  • #3
Plug is clean no build up and after it does start in runs great and just normal exhaust, another item this a is a really new chainsaw with less then 3 hours being used.
Three hours of use sounds like a dealer issue to me. If it were my saw, that's where it would be going. It should run perfectly when it leaves the shop. As to a guess at what's happening, I'd suspect you aren't hearing the pre start burp notification to take off the choke. I'd experiment starting by numbers. Two pulls with the choke, the rest without. Didn't start? Do it again with another full choke pull, so on...
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  • #5
Three hours of use sounds like a dealer issue to me. If it were my saw, that's where it would be going. It should run perfectly when it leaves the shop. As to a guess at what's happening, I'd suspect you aren't hearing the pre start burp notification to take off the choke. I'd experiment starting by numbers. Two pulls with the choke, the rest without. Didn't start? Do it again with another full choke pull, so on...
thanks Thats a good idea next time i will give it a try.
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  • #6
Three hours of use sounds like a dealer issue to me. If it were my saw, that's where it would be going. It should run perfectly when it leaves the shop. As to a guess at what's happening, I'd suspect you aren't hearing the pre start burp notification to take off the choke. I'd experiment starting by numbers. Two pulls with the choke, the rest without. Didn't start? Do it again with another full choke pull, so on...
When i said it was new i really should have explained i have been fighting with it for around three years, it is not new but has hardly been used as i just bought another chainsaw a STIHL 261CM and it very easy to get started so it's not a great problem that the 211 is a problem starting i have a 16 inch bar on it and a 18 inch bar on the 261 so many times i want to use the smaller 211 but again i just use the 261.
Has it had the same problem since purchase? Was it bought used? Could be any number of things. Need more information.

What kind of shape are the rubbers in? Are the fuel and impulse lines in good shape?
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  • #8
Has it had the same problem since purchase? Was it bought used? Could be any number of things. Need more information.

What kind of shape are the rubbers in? Are the fuel and impulse lines in good shape?
Bought brand new and all fuel tubes are in good shape ,i only use real gas with Red Arrmor oil i use real gas and Red Arrmor oil in all two stroke machines.

There is nothing wrong with the saw it's just not easy to get started, it's always been like in summer heat or freezing cold this probling is that i am just flooding it but don't know how it's happening.
Don't use the choke unless it is stone cold, maybe? Check which position the warm/cold weather shutter is in, maybe?
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  • #10
Don't use the choke unless it is stone cold, maybe? Check which position the warm/cold weather shutter is in, maybe?
In the past i think i have tried what you suggested but it still did the same thing, now once it's running it is easy to restart.
As mentioned already, sounds like your missing the burp when on full choke, and flooding it.

Once its warm, and starts runs normal, we can rule out stale fuel residue, or slightly blocked carb from dried out fuel mix that can cause starting issues.
Do you store the saw empty or full of fuel ?, do you run it out of fuel at the end of its use, or leave the remaining fuel in the carb before storing it away?

Its the same series as the ms250, which has a reputation for hard starting, as you can easily miss the burp once you have pulled up fuel from the tank.

Typical starting procedure is to go to full choke, 2-4 pulls to draw fuel up from tank into carb and once it burps, go to the second stage, of high idle, less choke, and another 2-4 pulls to get it to start, blip of throttle to kick it off high idle, and let it warm up on idle 20-30 seconds and then cut.
If you miss the cough/ burp once you have pulled up fuel from the tank, it will flood out and cause the symptoms you describe.
My Chinese copy of a 250 took nearly 20 pulls on full choke before it would fire. I've had an Echo 490 and a Stihl 201t also do that, needing 10-15 or more pulls on the first start of the day. Usually I'll give the 490 a squirt of starting fluid through the idle adjust hole, since there's no seal around it, and set the fast idle with the choke, but back the choke a little off of full (not possible on Stihls) and the starting fluid gets it going in fewer pulls, and it can't flood since the choke isn't on full, though too much starting fluid technically floods it until it evaporates.
My 490 is my worst starting saw, but not 20 pulls. I think it's still less than 10. Figured it was because it didn't have a primer bulb, so the fuel had to be pulled through the system.
Preach it with me brothers; Fuel Injection will save us all.

500i ftw! Primer bulb about 13 times, then pull twice. Do not use the compression release. Let idle two minutes, or until you hear it pick up and smooth out. Cut whatever pleases you with great enthusiasm, and much flying of chips. Keep chain sharp and let er eat!
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  • #17
Preach it with me brothers; Fuel Injection will save us all.

500i ftw! Primer bulb about 13 times, then pull twice. Do not use the compression release. Let idle two minutes, or until you hear it pick up and smooth out. Cut whatever pleases you with great enthusiasm, and much flying of chips. Keep chain sharp and let er eat!
I would love to have the new STIHL 5001 don't have any real need for it just would like having it and picking it up and just starting it and yes FI and AI on a chip is going to change how chainsaws operate.

And another item that has really changed my work with a chainsaw i have to Hart Battery powered saws a 12" 20 volt for lite limbing and a 18" 40 volt for lager stuff. bot Hart saws run great both have lots of power and batterys last and last.
There sold at Walmart so you get 90 days to like or not like them no questions asked.
There is nothing wrong with my saws fuel no water it's good to go and i understand now what has to be done.
Since there is no small fuel bulb to prime my saw you "MUST" get the fuel to the carb, STIHL has you pull the cord to draw fuel to carb but pull it all day without having the saw on "FULL" choke and your not going to get any fuel , you "MUST" use "FULL" choke and pull the starting cord until you smell gas.
Then the saw will start. Forget the STIHL manual use full choke smell gas saw starts it's that simple.
Even when the saw has been running you shut it off i find if you do not again use full choke saw will again resist your attemps at starting.
I again even as saw is warm i use full choke saw starts, problem is it was still not getting gas without using the full choke
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  • #18
Well i am following the STIHL 211 manual and it stillis not firing up, yesterday after about two hours and many pulls it started today it's not starting Arrrrrrrrrrrr @#%&* Arrrrrrrrr

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Take it to a shop. Nobody here is going to wave a magic wand and fix it from the internet. You've piddled with it long enough, admit defeat, find a professional.

Or continue to struggle, it's your time you're spending, how much is it worth to you?
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  • #20
Take it to a shop. Nobody here is going to wave a magic wand and fix it from the internet. You've piddled with it long enough, admit defeat, find a professional.

Or continue to struggle, it's your time you're spending, how much is it worth to you?
I think i have a good handle on the problem i have just been pulling the starting cord to many times with a full choke to get the fuel to the carb, since backing off to just three pulls taking it off full choke and seting in in run, i have had much better luck in starting the 211.

I understand it will always be a hard starter but i do feel their in nothing really wrong with it, when it starts it runs great.
Every saw is different. Many newer saws are tuned too lean, and what I don't like about Stihls is the 3 position choke: full, half, off. I find many times that half choke is not enough, while full is too much, so I try to balance it between the two positions after using full choke if I can get it to stay there. Then I let it fast idle a bit to warm up, and if it sounds like it's loading up on too much fuel I hit the trigger. With Echo and 2xx and 3xx Husqvarna saws I can back the choke however far off of full works best, which makes starting so much easier.
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  • #22
Every saw is different. Many newer saws are tuned too lean, and what I don't like about Stihls is the 3 position choke: full, half, off. I find many times that half choke is not enough, while full is too much, so I try to balance it between the two positions after using full choke if I can get it to stay there. Then I let it fast idle a bit to warm up, and if it sounds like it's loading up on too much fuel I hit the trigger. With Echo and 2xx and 3xx Husqvarna saws I can back the choke however far off of full works best, which makes starting so much easier.
That is the exact problem it's a crap shoot to get it just right, i don't see any easy way to work around it you just keep making changes till it does start.
I have been having pretty good luck getting my 211 started i just have to careful if it's flooded and it floods easily, if it's flooded it just wait about 5 minuets and i will start.
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