Stihl 500i

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Jed : the saw in the video was done by Hotsaws101 ; definitely a lil’ rippper with his insane-0 mods ... here’s a head-cut between a hotwoods 241c vs JB 241c ... 1st Saw is mine , 2nd is Hotsaws101
Oh my goodness that was so stinkin Rad. Man, Jack can build a saw like nobody's business. His saws all have (for me) a super familiar "tiney," (tin-like) sound. That man is the standard by which all other saw builders are measured. Dude, that saw just screamed. Yer a good man for buying one. I wanna get one. I gotta guy just a few miles away (West Coast Saw) from me who grew up in the same town as Jack, knows him quite well, and has spent a good deal of time with him. He claims to know all of his secrets. I've only run one saw (661) done by him, and it was completely insane, but I've gotta feelin Jack's would beat his. Cool vid.
Yah , ol Jack can build a Saw for sure , but you gonna PAY ! I build my own and if he’s the standard then I’m well pleased with how my saws performo ... I left a lot on the table with the hotwoods saws I built - the “wick” can be turned up if needed ... as far as “porting secrets” and “intellectual property” etc goes ; well I gave up on that nonsense years ago !
Owners of both saws 462 500 videos showing up on the clean up work being done.

Where is everyone's else's 462 500 comparison videos?

Heck plenty of them in the states. ;)

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I was kinda hoping that hole was full of muddy water to teach Lookie Lou a lesson about walking up on an active job site. 8)
Yah , ol Jack can build a Saw for sure , but you gonna PAY ! I build my own and if he’s the standard then I’m well pleased with how my saws performo ... I left a lot on the table with the hotwoods saws I built - the “wick” can be turned up if needed ... as far as “porting secrets” and “intellectual property” etc goes ; well I gave up on that nonsense years ago !

Well, that's impressive Frankie. Yeah.... he wants about $600.00 per build. West Coast Saw will do it for $400.00. I absolutely suck at porting, but I also HATE, HATE, HATE running stock saws anymore. Madsen's in Centralia/Chehalis is the best bang for the buck, and the company I work for pays for it, so... :P guess what I'll be running for the rest of my life...:|:

Kevin: We have neither the 462 or the 500 on the West Coast. :whine::whine::whine:

I might have mentioned that Madsen's doesn't deck at all like the true hot-rod guys.
Yeah, I never understood the "intellectual property," thing that Jack is so insistent upon. I think the most of the guys who redily display all of their methods over the internet. Scott R. Koontz comes to mind. Coo guy.
I sharpen every tooth to clean and square...

Then the the .030 depth gauge for rakers.... per tooth... everh tooth...

That's just me.
$600 is middle of the road iirc ... NO intellectual property involved with port work as it cannot be patented ! I guess if a guy feels he has “elite” port-work then maybe he shouldn’t SELL it and just keep it to himself eh ? Lol
Thats stupid $$$ to pay for porting :lol:. Back when I got out of it in 2010 it was only $150 for a saw to be woods ported. The going rate today is 250-300 and most times the 3 includes the shipping back.

Jed out your way in Idaho is Jason Egan a logger. He ports work saws and race saws for folks. He gets $300 for your work saws and that includes the shipping back to you. He decks and cuts squish etc. All the little bells and whistles some folks like now days in their work saws.
He also does square chain for work and race.
I have his info if you need it. He is on my chainsaw repair group FB.
Also right now turn around has been slowed down once he was called back for cutting.

Heck when I first met the guy coming through going to a race in SC. I loaned him my partner 5000 pipe saw to use with his own chain. Thats how much I trust this guy.

When a local wants port work I have them ship to him. He did one mean 3120 for a logger I take care of local.

Also recommend Scott Kunz a stihl dealer in WI. Sames prices. Have info too. Few others I could give info on too.

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Got given a 500i to try this week so managed to get out in the woods yesterday to give it a blast, 20 minutes later it stops working and won’t go now. Disappointed as it would be interesting to give it a good working over. It sure seems light and the acceleration was very quick, changed over from the large bar it came with to something shorter and seemed to handle better for what I would use one in mostly.
Thats the rub Butch, you can’t!! I used the purge as told and it would fire but nothing after that. To be fair I have been lent it from a STIHL employee who mentioned that it had been into a dealership and been apart but as he deals with training he wasn’t certain if it was only stripped for that purpose, I think we now have an answer! He did say the other day that he has another so any issues he’d drop that in and told me to go and give it a hard time! For the short time it ran the throttle response was impressive and you were through small diameter material in a flash. A friend is trying to find some larger trees to put it in.
With a username like Husky D it's no wonder it refused to run!

Interesting to hear of the failure/problem. Hopefully you get some feedback on it you can report in with?
Ha! Very true with the name but what was disappointing was that I am genuinely interested to see performance with out the usual my saw brand is better than yours BS. Hopefully I will get the replacement soon and get to run it properly.
Stig - how’s the 500i of yours been performing now you’ve had it a while?
I've been laid up with some broken ribs, so I haven't used it a lot.
Ouch!! Sorry to hear that - Hope you heal up soon man, painful I’m sure.
Ha! Very true with the name but what was disappointing was that I am genuinely interested to see performance with out the usual my saw brand is better than yours BS. Hopefully I will get the replacement soon and get to run it properly.
Stig - how’s the 500i of yours been performing now you’ve had it a while?

No, you're right Husqy is better :beer::drink: lol
Yah ..... STIHL and Husky both make some great pro saws .... unfortunately some models of either brand are lemons lol !