Stihl 500i

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Brads saw US. Ported 91 E-free 32:1

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Worlds’ first ported 500i ? Haha ... that’s arrogant of him to say imho ; been out across the pond for quite awhile now lol ...
Might not be the truth, but it doesn't hurt to try claiming the title if no one else has.

I was thinking the same thing about a YouTube guy claiming to have the first of various huztl saws in the USA.
Woodnt be the first time Mr Snelling has “stretched” the truth and I suspect it won’t be the last ... As far as the 500i is concerned we feel that perhaps he has built another lemon
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I know of 3 ported 500 so far. Who cares who claims first :|:. I dont.

Just glad to see it ran fine with 32:1 stock and ported.
Alf Greece 500 = Gasket delete, opened the muffler some more and widened the exhaust port a bit.

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Alf Greece

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500i 79.2 cc vs 395xp 94cc ..... 395xp for the win especially with longer 25” + bars ... I don’t care WHO is doing the port-work , 14.8cc is FAR to much displacement to overcome all things being equal! Even a 390xp at 88cc would be out of the 500i league imho ... I’m a STIHL guy by the way lol
stock in US

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Info from video. First cuts this saw has made. 28” bar 3/8 full comp square chain and a 7 pin in a red oak log. US or Canada.

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Just seen another 500 video on 20th in group. In US shipped in for a tree company. So plenty coming in.

His video said first 500 in US. :lol: Cant post fb group videos here.
Steph on the 462 500 = IMHO using both of them quite a while and after lots of testing, i have to admit.... stock, the 462 is the more complete saw all around. Not much to no difference in power up to 25", better filtration, better av design, cheaper and it needs noticeable less fuel than the 500i (the 500i needs more fuel than a 661 with the same work load!).
The 500i is a great saw and maybe the future but right now it doesn't have any advantage being "fuel injected".
462c with 20” b/c is the ticket imho IF you are doing treework or lotsa firewood ... When ported the power/weight is superb for this application ; You can use a larger Saw ie 390xp that will shave a fuzz of time off each cut but the weight / extra fuel used makes it an easy decision to go with the 462c... just my 2cents lol
Makes sense Frankie. And Kevin... thanks for the vid. I watched a coupla German faller vids on the 500i a coupla months ago, and I definitely couldn't discern any "game-changer," properties just from watching the vids. I think that what we are all so excited about is just the fact that the stupid thing has fuel-injection, which, as already stated, may prove to be a game-changer, or may not. Of course... if we look at the automotive industry... it seems inevitable.

What is interesting is looking at how boring the video is that Kevin posted of the kid with the 500i cutting through the oak logs. How lackluster. He is probably using the garbage factory grind that Oregon has the audacity to call "square grind." What a joke their factory grind is.

The only two truely baddas tree-men I have ever heard of who were eccentric enough not to appreciate what Eric derided as "hot-rod," saws, are Stig and Redwood Eric. Having run truely professionally "hot-rodded" saws by both Madsen's and West-Coast Saw, I can officially say that both of these guys would seem to be either ignorant/inexperienced, or else, completely out of their minds, but for this: that a professionally sharpened saw is vastly preferable to a professionally ported saw any day of the week. RE porting though... ya definitely get whatcha pay for.
There’s no doubt that a razer-sharp chain in sqr/rnd (STIHL RS for ex) or sqr/sqr (STIHL RS converted to sqr/sqr) will help the Saw preform well stock or ported ; especially the sqr/sqr for speed ... + and - to both styles of chain ... I do all my testing with stock off the roll STIHL RS in 3/8 .050 just to give a baseline ... You are correct the a guy with a stock or muffler modded Saw with a razer-sharp chain can and will outproduce a guy with a “ported” Saw and a so-so chain ... All things being equal the ported saw should spank the stocker by 30% IF the builder knows his end using the same bar/chain ; Now if a guy had a square - grinder and knows his stuff it’s possible to get 50%+ over the stocker ! I use RS sqr/rnd in the work that I do and touch up every other tank ... seems to work well : good production and longevity ... Some guys make glamour videos with hand filed oil-stoned sqr/sqr and they cut fast for sure but we are getting into “race chain” territory - ie they ain’t gonna hold the edge after sucessive cuts ... 30% over a stocker with torque and longevity is what I shoot for - so far the recipe works well
a professionally sharpened saw is vastly preferable to a professionally ported saw any day of the week.

Interesting observation, Jed. I've never run a ported saw but now I don't feel so bad about that. Plus they are invariably super loud, true?