"so....hows bizness"

I had a guy that worked for me that had a felony on his record and after five years of not getting in trouble they reduced it to a misdomener.
damn butch youd rreally like it here, you can grow 100 plants and be legal
theres a few stipulations but its pretty liberal...pro pot dist attorney
you dont really get into trouble unless you have hundreds of plants over the limit
sorry about your luck back then, hope its better in the future
Today I picked up 2.5 days of work on 3 jobs, and have 3 jobs to look at. Things are picking up, or so it would seem.

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caught back up....damn. One bid in the am.....crane removal thursday morn
I sent a flyer to customers and cut my prices big time and have been quite busy as a result. Happy at the moment to be paying the bills and keeping the guys working.
Business is really good right now. Booked solid for 1 month and have been working 9-10 hour days. Worked 12 hours yesterday, started at 4 AM trimming coconut palms. We use a cane knife so no loud sounds. I have a Petzl headlamp to see.

Yesterday I picked up 3 more hotels. The Sheraton Waikiki, Royal Hawaiian (where LJ stayed) and the Moana. When I bid the job I told them I did not want all the trees, only the palms that they wanted spikeless trimming and whatever contractor they hired could not access with their bucket truck. I got initially 70 coconut palms to trim every 3 months for $57 a trim. (same price as the Hilton) As more new plantings are released from areas under construction, I will end up with approximately 120. Right now I am struggling to take care of my customers in a timely manner.
Work is picking up pretty steady here. Flying a crane for the next two days. I have been bidding work with an aggresive atttitude. Actually when talking with the property owners, I have pointed out little things that they are not seeing and I have been getting alot of extra hourly rate jobs like that.

Call it what you want, money is coming in!
Four weeks of exciting, fun filled chipping starting at the end of the month. Work I secured by lowballing my bid.:D
i haven't been lowballing so to speak. I am trying to keep the to keep the out of town lowballers from creeping in. I bid a job taking down 2 pines on large one small and dropping a dead snag in the woods. For 1100, these cats come in a do the job, with 5 trucks, chipper, stumper and bucket, from 30 miles away for 600.

I honestly don't see the profit margin. Seems like my armchair makes me more money than that.
We are slammed .
It hit 80F today and wow everywhere i looked there was people out working in their yards and the calls are flooding.
I had one rather unique call though. This lady asked me hey. How much do you charge per tree? Or does it even matter?
I said very politely that some trees cost more, because they are bigger. She started getting pissy.

Then she got smart assed and said oh well we just want to know what it cost to cut a tree down.
I stated the above ,and she started talking crap.BLA bla -trees are the same ,its just a tree. Referring to me as a stupid idiot ,since i didnt know how much it cost to cut a tree down.
I just started LOL LOL and she kept grinding talk until at my laughing, she finally ,,, HUNG UP
Thank you have a great day
well i lost the big bid, four of the 5 bids were 800- 1050 per tree. low bid was 485 a tree!!