Rope bag project...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Hobby Climber
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Well since we lost a bunch of pictures on the site recently, I've gone into "my pictures" on my computer and am down loading some pics of the bags that some of you have poste.




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Here are some pictures of the Mesh bag(s).


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...and some more...


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The Yellow & Blue bags were one of the earlier bags built. The blue material was a bit stiffer and because yellow was not, all the solid bags after that are all blue.

All my bags (Except for a few prototypes) have a yellow bottom inside! This identifies them as mine and "The Bag Lady's" design!!! ... IMHO, I like to think of it as a symbol of quality. ;)



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If its not to much to ask, I would be grateful to those who already own one of my bags to post some pictures of them, (in action if possible).

I'm going to be making a Scrap Book/Photo Album of your pictures and comments and then give it to "The Bag Lady".

Though I came up with the concept of the bag in its present form, she's the one that made it all happen with her incredible sewing skills!!!:notworthy:

It now looks like Wes-Spur may be making and selling them in the near future if all goes well. Cross your fingers!

Again, I'd like to thank everyone here who offered their input it the development of "The Rope Bag Project" as well to everyone who bought them from me and furthered its success.

Thank you Very Very much,

Bob Moore (aka- Hobby Climber)

PS- ...and a special thanks to Carl,(LumberJack) who did the field testing of the first several prototypes!:thumbup:
I'll buy one when wesspur is selling. Hopefully they/bounce will consult us on final design ideas...if'n they are thinking about changing it any.


Was it ever discussed about the idea of having a loop sewn inside the bag to attach the end of the line to?

I have enjoyed using your make it more useful to me, I took some small diameter line (maybe 5/16"), tied a circle with it about 2-3 inch diameter and sewed that to the inside of the bag. I attach the end of the line to that loop...before I had to tie it to the handle which was messy.

With the rope end tied to the loop I can pull the bag up to me when I need to.

( bad...I sewed the loop into my Sherrill bag, haven't done yours yet)


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I mentioned it a while ago and bob really liked the idea. Maybe it will make it into the potential wesspur model.

I like the idea of a ring sewn into the top.

Was it ever discussed about the idea of having a loop sewn inside the bag to attach the end of the line to?


Yes it was! Nick suggested the idea of a loop a while back. Its actual location & position was a matter of preference though.

The way I'm going to do it is very simple. There is a web strip between the web handle and the bag that acts as a stiffener. All I am going to do is extend that middle web strip past the rim of the bag, fold it into a loop and return the end back between the web handle and the bag.

With this configuration it will provide the most strength because the middle web strap (stiffener) with the loop will be sewn the full length of the bag! It will also look much cleaner and when not in use, will not get in the way of loading or deploying your rope!;)

The loop will be big enough for a biner to fit, nothing bigger than a 1' loop would work best, IMO.

See pics below,



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Ya know, you could always slip a split ring into that loop.

If its not to much to ask, I would be grateful to those who already own one of my bags to post some pictures of them, (in action if possible).

Bob Moore (aka- Hobby Climber)



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Good stuff guys...keep the pics coming! :thumbup:

can you see your bag in the far right corner? :D


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"Where's Bob's Bags?"



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So how about some more pictures from some of the other bag owners!:what:

Good one top hopper!

I'll have to direct your future solid rope bag orders to BOUNCE (Sean at Wes-Spur). Looks like they may be selling them come summer if all goes well.


The reason I'm looking for pictures from you guys is because I'd like to put together some type of scrap book for the "Bag Lady" of the work she's done and to help lift her spirits.

The "Bag Lady" will be going to the hospital for surgery next Tuesday. Turns out she's developed a tumor that must to be removed. They don't believe its cancer but either way, she'll be in I.C.U. for 5 days following the operation.

As back ground, she's been a retired nurse for a some time now but never gave up her love of sewing. She's been sewing for a company called Shock-Pros, and has been their primary shock cover sewer since she started. I'm told she produces about 10,000pr per year.

About two years ago, I asked her to see if she new a way to make a standard rope bag (CMI bag) stand up and stay open. After several attempts and input from you good people, we finally came up with a proper bag and never been able to keep up with orders ever since!

FRANS got us started on the Mesh Bag last year and looks like it will take off soon as well. I love the mesh when working in the winter, with all the wet snow, it airs out just fine over regular bags!

Its anticipated that the Bag Lady will make a full & quick recovery, its just something that needs to be done is all. I'll let ya know once she's home in a few weeks.

So, how about them pics!

Thanks guys,
