Regarding Covid

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Sean, what you're not seeing is that TPTB want to keep claiming this is an ongoing "pandemic of the unvaccinated" and by allowing that perverse definition to persist, they are trying to cover up that the jabs are not nearly as effective as proponents claim, and provide additional pressure that you can only be protected by being "fully vaccinated" (eg: keep taking jabs until we say it's enough). Sorry, but natural immunity is the best protection, and studies are out demonstrating it. Therein lies the major issue with that ridiculous classification.
Sean, what you're not seeing is that TPTB want to keep claiming this is an ongoing "pandemic of the unvaccinated" and by allowing that perverse definition to persist, they are trying to cover up that the jabs are not nearly as effective as proponents claim, and provide additional pressure that you can only be protected by being "fully vaccinated" (eg: keep taking jabs until we say it's enough). Sorry, but natural immunity is the best protection, and studies are out demonstrating it. Therein lies the major issue with that ridiculous classification.

Guess I should just have waited for Covid to kill me instead of getting the vaccine.
That would be total natural immunity.

I was told in no uncertain terms when this shit started, that it would kill me.
At the shape I was in back then, so would the flu, or at least put me in intensive care for a long time.
I had orders to go to the onkology department at the hospital promptly, if I started running a fever.

But I guess, to a real man like you, that is just me being a pinko wussy. :lol:
Stig, I hope you live to see 100. I wish you the best. I understand why you’d get the vax and totally support your decision. My issue all along has been the idea of forcing it on me. As to whether or not Covid would take you out, my FIL had Covid last year. Eighty-one…COPD…diabetic…overweight…spent two nights in the hospital and went home. We were afraid it would get him but it barely phased him.
My best friend since childhood has been fighting and sadly losing a loooong battle with liver cancer.
He came by on his motorcycle last weekend, since that was the last day insurance would let him drive, before winter.
He figured to be dead before spring, so even though it was nasty weather, he decided to take a last ride and come visit.
When he got Covid, everybody figured him for a goner.
It affected him about as much as a common cold.

I have known 2 people in fine health, karate trained, not overweight, non smokers etc........shit killed them both.

That virus is damned hard to figure out.

Normally when someone has liver cancer, you think: drunkhard.
He got cancer of the tounge root from HPV virus.
That migrated to other organs.
They figure he picked up the virus by doing cunnilingus.
I used to joke about there being worse ways to get cancer.

They have started vaccinating youngsters against HPV now, 50 years too late for him.
I just tested positive last night.. went to a concert Thursday the 18th.... been fighting a little cough and coughing up some flem, for the last week, which is normal for this time of year. Getting the dust out. Then felt pretty punky Sunday, Monday and Tuesday... Just thought I overdid it... Took a hot bath Tuesday night and thought I was better by Wednesday, but the cough returned.. didn't think much of it until I lost all smell last night. Took two squirts of Windex in the palm and put it right up to my nose and nothing! There's a shitload of people I likely infected... GF is pissed!
Love the total lack of historical knowledge in that video.

Turned into the World's largets prison.

What did it start as?

And no, the rest of the World is not asking what is going on down there.
The anti vaxxers are.

We had a women locked up for incitement, too.
She went up and spoke in a demonstration, " let us wreck the city".
Forgot that was real life and not facebook, is my guess.

"East German style" give me a friggin' break.
He doesn't know shit about how the Deutsche democratische republic worked, apparently.
Perhaps you could put out some videos enlightening those of us with limited intelligence?

Scott, I did not say limited intelligence.
I'd never do that.
Except, Murphy is a border line case, I think.

I said lack of historical knowledge.

Read up on how the citizens of DDR were treated and how the English populated Australia, and then call me wrong.

Steal a loaf of bread and you were off to down under.
Protests in a state 90% double vaccinated. Where the protesters were erecting gallows and hanging politicians in effigy,
It's localized. Life goes on fairly normally for most of us. The border restrictions are easing as vaxx rates climb, heading towards life with Covid as the norm instead of Covid elimination.
The pregnant mum incident was about a year ago.
They don't 'scan your phone', you scan a QR code app so if a case pops up you can see where you've been in case of exposure, and the health dep can ping you. It clears every month. There is No facial recognition. If you don't want to use the QR code or you don't have a phone you can use the manual check in, good old pen and paper, and put whatever you want if you were so inclined.
To travel to the US I would need to be double vaxxed to enter and have a negative pre flight test... your rules, so...pot/kettle
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