Captain Zero!
Sometimes I have to take dihydrogen monoxide as a vaccine after I drink too much.
Or if I cut myself I take a vaccine Bandaids and Neosporin.
Or if I cut myself I take a vaccine Bandaids and Neosporin.
Sean, what you're not seeing is that TPTB want to keep claiming this is an ongoing "pandemic of the unvaccinated" and by allowing that perverse definition to persist, they are trying to cover up that the jabs are not nearly as effective as proponents claim, and provide additional pressure that you can only be protected by being "fully vaccinated" (eg: keep taking jabs until we say it's enough). Sorry, but natural immunity is the best protection, and studies are out demonstrating it. Therein lies the major issue with that ridiculous classification.
Perhaps you could put out some videos enlightening those of us with limited intelligence?