Regarding Covid

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Yeah Brett, just like hearing all the media hoopla regarding the devastating effects of the 5.56’s a wonder Viet Nam is still there.
Sure the US lost nukes.

Like the 4 they lost off the coast of Spain

Or the one they lost in Greenland.

Pure luck none of them exploded.

Pure luck?

Jeebus....this isn't the Acme Nuke Company.

It's really really difficult to get a nuclear bomb 💣 to explode.
You say I am full of shit...I say you have reading comprehension problems.

What does "for the fugg of it" translate to in Dutch?

Perhaps as "strictly controlled govt test"?

"voor de frig ervan".
At least according to Google.
Being Danish, I don't speak Dutch well enough to translate it.

In Danish it translates to: " lets show those Russkies what we've got".

Shit and giggles in other words.

Or are you telling me there was a real need for ALL those tests?
Yeah Brett, just like hearing all the media hoopla regarding the devastating effects of the 5.56’s a wonder Viet Nam is still there.

Considering the 13 million gallons of Agent Orange you guys sprayed the country with, it is a wonder Viet Nam is still there.
Dutch...Danish....whats the difference. You all look alike anyway.

I do apologize for the mistake however.

The Russkies?

Bravo Mike was a good one for us.....

But the Czar Bomba was aptly named.

There hasn't been a need for too much show since the US developed SSBN submarines.

Ever nuke that was ever exploded cost lots of money to detonate. Studies, planning, managing resources etc.

Any similarities to Covid?? Or was it just an oopsie?
Of course it is dramatically overblown. Look at what and whom I was answering.

Besides, we have a saying in Dutch: " Exaggeration furthers understanding".

Also, I'm one of the sheep, you know.
Those who don't believe Covid was developed by the jewish overlords or the lizard people.
I leave that to Murphy.
Of course it is dramatically overblown. Look at what and whom I was answering.

Besides, we have a saying in Dutch: " Exaggeration furthers understanding".

Also, I'm one of the sheep, you know.
Those who don't believe Covid was developed by the jewish overlords or the lizard people.
I leave that to Murphy.

See....I knew you were Dutch.
I don't mean to down play what the soldiers and civilians of Vietnam and the USA suffered from in regards to Agent Orange.

On the grand scheme of things...I bet way more Americans were lost to suicide and substance abuse as a result from PTSD and other mental health factors.

We threw a mountain of money at Orange....because it was big headlines.

We still throw soldiers lives away for business interests.

Like Gulf War Syndrome?

Should be called Big Oil Syndrome.

We go to war and toss away the soldiers when they return....or we assuage the guilt of the masses by focusing on something like Agent Orange and then pretend the fighting men and women are gonna be okay.'s looking like herd immunity isn't going to be a thing since the shots don't really do too much in the way of preventing the disease.

Breakthrough is WAY more common than "fairly rare".

My FIL is gonna be pissed when New Zealand admits that you can still catch covid after all your shots.

They have been told the lock downs were to give time to achieve herd immunity.

The chemical itself wasn't that dangerous and all of it wasn't contaminated with dioxin from New Zealand.

I guess the 1 million vietnamese suffering from Chronic B-Cell Leukemia, Hodgkin’s disease, Multiple Myeloma, Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Prostate cancer, Respiratory Cancers, Soft tissue sarcomas, Ischemic heart disease, Chloracne, Porphyria cutanea tarda, Parkinson’s disease, Peripheral neuropathy, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, and AL Amyloidosis from exposure to it is just propaganda, then.
I guess the 1 million vietnamese suffering from Chronic B-Cell Leukemia, Hodgkin’s disease, Multiple Myeloma, Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Prostate cancer, Respiratory Cancers, Soft tissue sarcomas, Ischemic heart disease, Chloracne, Porphyria cutanea tarda, Parkinson’s disease, Peripheral neuropathy, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, and AL Amyloidosis from exposure to it is just propaganda, then.

Oh for Christ sakes.

Thats chicken scratch.
Interesting. Take it for what it's worth.

Italy doesn't look like much on that scale, but they pretty much got them all at once.
Totally knocked that shithole country on it's ass.
Sent them whining to the EU for help.
For only the umpteen time.