Regarding Covid

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If it was the huge plot some say, it very unlikely that study or data would hit the streets...

Also, "suggests" is highly suspect compared to "confirms"
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No worries, folks. One ICU bed freed up about a week ago. My friend was moved to a long-term care facility...minus his right leg and left big toe. He still is on a ventilator...about 8-10 weeks now, can't remember. He did get a voice box to talk with...he has a tracheostomy for his vent. And he now has a "GoFundMe" page. In case you think this is part of the made-up conspiracy is the Facebook post for Greg by his brother. Remember, Greg was a healthy, vigorous, in his prime guy 10 weeks ago...until he wasn't. He took his chances with Covid and Covid seems to be winning. Greg is a guy that I used to send business big urgent care customer (over 60 clinics) uses him for x-ray training. I sent him that business. When they needed expert training or help with making good radiographic images, Greg was my "go-to" guy for x-ray help. Here is the FB post:

"Hey Guys. My name is Glenn Turner and my brother, Greg Turner, contracted COVID-19 in early November. Within a week's time, he was taken to Kennestone Hospital in Marietta, GA, where the Emergency Room rushed him into treatment. He was in no pain, but his vital signs deteriorated quickly and, within another week and a half, it was necessary to put him on a ventilator. Days later, Greg's right leg had to be amputated. The doctors advised us several times to say our goodbyes. But Greg rallied back each time. Six weeks later, Greg was finally revived. Although he required a tracheostomy and a stomach peg, we were glad to have him back. He was stressed about zero mobility in his limbs, the inability to talk (or swallow), all of his business put on hold and the financial stress that this was bound to create, let alone all the questions he had about being an amputee. But Greg has had family and his longtime girlfriend, Angie, by his side daily to reassure him and to slowly bring his confidence back. He is currently still in the hospital and still on a ventilator, but he is on the mend.

Unfortunately, we recently learned that Greg has limited health insurance coverage which has created a severe shortfall. Clearly, his condition is going to require prosthetics, lung rehabilitation, medications, basic daily care and rehabilitation of all body functions. He has a long way to go and, even though we are prayerfully optimistic, the financial challenges of paying his existing bills while at the same time paying the costs of recovery have become painfully clear. We have to find a way to raise these funds and it was suggested by some of you to create a GoFundMe page. Thank you so much for your willingness to take part. Although I know he would probably object to our setting up a page like this, we are doing it because we love him and we know he needs it. My wife and I recently watched “It's a Wonderful Life” and, to me, Greg is the George Bailey of modern times. If anybody deserves it, he does. Thank you ahead of time for your contributions. We will keep you up to date on how he is doing. Oh, and keep those prayers coming! God Bless."
yes very tough to read and God Bless Greg Turner with a happy life and speedy recovery.
And tht one case, while tragic doesn't change the debate. Was Greg given an early treatment protocol or just told to go home and do nothing until he can't breathe? Was he taking Vit D, C, zinc, quercetin etc? Did he know about Ivermectin? Did the hospital protocol contribute to his complications? And why is the US the only developed country in the world that doesn't provide universal health care? The system is so corrupt. I just heard a video about how much the hospitals are getting from the feds for each covid case they admit, and the numbers are obscene... over 400K per person in W VA.

I'll pray for Greg. And hope he gets some kind of disability support.
I’m so sorry about your friend Gary. Best wishes to him and his family.

I tested positive now. Spencer was positive a few days ago and was pretty sick, quarantined in his room. Took precautions but got it anyways.

I’m vaccinated, so not too worried about myself. Can’t really smell or taste my coffee very well, but otherwise no symptoms.
Two data samples isn't statistics. Jump off a roof 100 times, and you'll start to get some interesting data that pertains to *you*. Get 1000 people to jump off a roof 100 times each, and you'll start to get data that can be extrapolated to the general population.
In 1986, at 18, I fell around 30’. I was climbing again the next day. Fast forward a few years, and at 30, I fell around 18’. I was stove up for a couple of weeks. Is it better to fall farther, based on my “stats”?

GREAT STORY... I know a roofer that fell over 30 feet, went to get stitched up and was back on the job in a few hours. You got to be in shape to take a hit like that, something any football coach needs to know and gauge properly
bth, Joseph Berkson ain't no conspirator.
It was interesting that in Ontario at least, hospitals have finally started making a distinction between patients getting admitted to hospitals WITH Covid, vs FOR Covid.
Goalposts get shifted.
The narrative continually changes.
For several members here, the dogma is so ingrained in their psyches, that any dissenting opinion gets dismissed with a "whatever", or "IDGAF"
I've had lotsa vaccines. Am not an antivaxxer.
My childhood immunization records got lost, and I got to get them all over again to go to college.
Twinrix for hepatitis, and probably a half dozen tetanus shots.