We all love buying gear ... investment really
... it all depends , you can do tons of work (pun intentional) with that 1/2 beauty ... just don't over the shit out of it or the line. Actual guesstimate on weight plus any potential shock load. Truth is , to me blocks were stepping it up from natural crotch loweringHow about this block? Since the other guy is on the big side
"Like a sheeve" is the issue here. I can see that for the small moves (adjusting the moving TIP on an high line) or the light loads ( redirect for the side control line of said TIP), but not for the actual lowering of heavy loads. Long runs and hight friction would give too much wear at the exact same point of the sling or the static rope going through the ring's center.When looking at the rings and seeing how they are all spliced I always wondered how it would work with the rigging line running on the outside and have the eye go threw the middle. It seems like the bend radius would be better. And if the eye wasn't to tight the ring would act like a sheeve.
Cam cleat.I made up a set of fiddle blocks, 4:1 with some leftover yacht blocks. One has a whaddya call it...pincher catcher thing to hold the running end. Then you flip it to release it. It hung in the shed for years then BAM, I had a job where I needed it. Yippee, had it all reeved and ready to go. Probably would cost a few hundred dollars to buy similar from the Arb catalogues.