Premium gas

No, but avgas is blue; if you forget whether or not you put the oil in, it'll be hard to tell from the color. :lol:
Blue allright .Once because I used old anti freeze jugs for my mix I mistakenly anti freezed my weed wacker and gassed my truck radiator ,duh .
Good read octane stihl and husky

Solo A high performance two-stroke engine operated with a petrol:oil mixture (petrol + oil = fuel
mixture) or with a special fuel mixture for two-stroke engines available from specialists powers
this machine. The fuel mixture can be made up with standard lead-free petrol or with lead-free
premium grade petrol. The minimum octane rating for petrol is 92 ROZ.
I saw this video last week, wanted to post it , but didn't have an obvious place for it. This would be the place.

Guy might even have alkylate fuel.

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I only run premium in my saws, stock or modded, anything I can do to keep the moisture and ethanol content down, I'm there! There's a local station, about eight miles from the house, that sells av gas, I keep thinking to go get some, but always in a hurry when I need it!
I've been tempted to try this stuff, but damn it's pricey. and I've not heard any reports about it yet.
I run premium (91) in my saws because that's what is recommended in the Stihl operator's manual. Everything else gets regular.
Any saw sold on market today will run and perform pretty well on any gas above 87 octane.
Alcohol is not the big crook, the other stuff is.
I have read a test result were they ran saws on E85 for a year.. I see if I find it again..
Biggest problem they had was to get oil that mixed with it. It can't be just any oil...
Esteric oil I think it was called.. Compressor oil...
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  • #35
The premium over here has to be at least a hundred octane. I've read where the better refining and additives in the higher octane gas will give increased performance and cooler running. It seems to make some saws mad. :X
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  • #38
Curious if someone here might try a tank of premium in their MS200, if they haven't been using it before. That is the one saw in particular that seems to get a very noticeable pickup. Mine os the 020 with the older style carb, so maybe that matters?
I run premium with Stihl synthetic mix, my buddy Mike uses regular Stihl oil with regular gas. I only use one gas station and have stuck with it since I had problems back in 2005 with cheap gas, Mike buys gas wherever he happens to be when he needs it.

About 2 weeks ago Mike showed up on a job without mix gas. No problem, I had plenty. Later he said he was amazed at how well his saws ran on my mix gas. I don't mind spending a few cents more and taking the extra time to maintain a single source of gas in order to eliminate fuel problems on the job. About 3-4 times per year Mike has problems with his truck or his saws due to 'bad gas'. Funny, I never have those problems. Maybe being anal retentive about my fuel might have something to do with it. Or maybe not.
All we have is 93 octane for premium and thats what I ran in my stock 200T and all my saws.
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  • #41
I did some looking into if there is a difference between gas brands, talked to a number of people when I was looking into the octane questions. Nobody at a gas station knew anything about what they were pumping. One guy I spoke with was an ex bike racer turned mechanic, and really seemed to be interested and know what he was talking about. Some brands have their own refineries, some get their supplies from an assortment of locations. He recommended two brands out of the ones here, and one just happens to be my closest station, an Esso, short for ExxonMobil. Like Brian, I only buy from the one station. The girls know me there, so I don't have to say 'premium' twice, because they are heading over to the regular pump with my gas can. Premium is "hi-oc" here.
I have no idea how gasoline is in Japan .In the US it's basically all the same with the exception of the additives and dye coloring .Some variations could be with ethanol content depending on the location and time of year .I'm refering to pump gas not racing fuels or aviation gasoline .

You really have no idea actually if the gas you pump in your auto or saw comes from Marathon,Huskey ,Shell or wherever .It all goes through a pipeline and there's a real good chance some of it passes real close to where I live .The geographical pipeline center of the world ,Lima Ohio .
here the supreme is higher octane, 93 or 94 I think, I run that for my machines, mixed and straight gas, the pickup gets regular, 88/89 octane. :) The difference in price is about 20 cents a liter or roughly 80 cents a gallon.
I also use the Stihl premium synthetic mix oil, seems to work ok.
I recently started using avgas, 100LL. Since we park our trucks at an airport, it's pretty convenient. I buy the "leftover" gas that they sump out of the big tanks.
I doubt it is more crap in a tank at a air field than in a gas station.
If it is like rest of the world the standards on the tanks in aviation is way higher...

Clogging up a car makes it stop...
Clogging up a plane makes it drop!
There is a difference.

AV-Fuel I tested when I was in US. Not as aggressive as the pump gas I tested there.
He might be talking about the 5-10 gallons inside the bulk tanker delivery trucks .Some don't pump completely dry .
Madsen's recommends only premium and synthetic mix oil so that's all I run.