I've been running my saws for about 20 years now, and until 5 years ago, was just using 89 octane (ethanol mix) from the local pump. I always emptied them/ran them dry to avoid any ethanol related degrading issues. I was also using the same 50:1 mix in my blower and weed whacker, and lo and behold, upgraded the weed whacker to a new model and left the old one as a spare/trainer for my son. It sat for about a 1.5 years, and dummy me forgot to empty it. When I went to start it, it sputtered 2x, blew black smoke out the exhaust, and then would not even sputter. I brought it to the small engine place guy I buy most of my saws from, explained the issue and he immediately asked how long the gas had been inside it. It was thankfully an old homeowner cheapie from Home Despot, so I wasn't that broken up about letting it go (repair cost exceeded what I paid for it)....
Anyway, the guy at the shop, knowing how much I had been buying from him and seeing my despair at losing old reliable, recommended I go to the local small airport and get airplane fuel. 100 octane, leaded fuel, refined so it will stay fresh for 10+ yrs and not attract water like ethanol (part of it's "corny" issues). I currently go to one of 3 small ones near me and get 3 5 gallon cans filled, and am only paying about $4-$5/gallon. Mix it all w/the corresponding oil, and I've now had saws or others sit for 1-2 years with full tanks, and start up like champs. They also seem to run stronger the more this fuel mix goes through them. With my usage, those cans will last me at least 2 months, but with business going full time soon, that cost may increase...