Premium gas


Aug 16, 2008
Anybody else use it in their saws? Timberwolf recommended it to me once for modded saws, and I've been using it ever since. For some reason, one Husky runs worse with it, but with all my other saws it makes a noticeable difference. The 020 (MS200) really screams with the higher octane, it isn't modded beyond opening up the muffler a bit. Especially if I might be working the ground and doing limbing all day, I think the premium gas is a factor in the amount of work that gets done in a given time. Cutting is a bit more enjoyable too. Jap gas is pretty high octane.
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There is some ethanol being produced here, but it isn't the corn type, so less problematical, I believe. To meet the greenhouse gas emissions goals, they are talking about introducing it more, the imported junk, but the current allowable quantity in pump gas is only 3%, so it isn't a factor yet. Isn't the allowable percentage quite a bit higher in the states?
Hell if I know. I'd use premium myself, but that's just because I'm assuming that it's better for the saw. I have no real idea it it helps or not. Clark Howard says premium gas is a rip-off.
The only reason I use the stuff is because a few of my saws have the compression jacked up . It's only about a dime more a gallon . What doesn't get used up in a month -6 weeks gets dumped in my old tractor .
All my manuals say mid grade. Yes I read the manual, go ahead and laugh.
Butch... I am kind of surprised that you listen to Clark Howard. I honestly thought that I was the only dork on here to listen to him. I think he is a super smart guy who does a lot of good. Sorry to derail.
Derail or not old Clark is pretty savey about things .

I really don't know about saws but my ex had a 442 Olds that got about two more miles per gallon using hi-test .The gas prices then were only about 2 cents per gallon more .That fact if you stop and think about it was really higher percentage wise than now .

The saws themselves will run on anything but in my opinion they go a little better with high test .
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Butch, put some in your MS200 for the heck of it. I wouldn't swear it isn't my imagination, bit it sure seems to run with more zip.
Some run aviation gas ,I think Net does .It's a preference I suppose about like mix oil ratios . If it feels good do it . First though you have to find an airport that sells the stuff .
I run premium in all my small engines. I've tested it, and it has little to no alcohol. I also don't have stale gas issues with it and the Stihl HP Ultra Synthetic. My '68 International must have premium, or it's not happy.
If octane is the only difference, I can't immagine premium making any positive improvement over regular in a non efi/electronic ignition engine. Nothing changes but the fuel, and premium has a lower energy density than regular. (minutia)

Higher compression ratios would be the exception to this, but if you don't have detonation it doesn't apply.
Say what you will science boy. I'll keep sticking premium only in my saws. My trucks definetly run better, the odd time someone has borrowed one and topped it up with regular there's a major difference.
Nothing but premium for me, both in stock or ported. No ethanol up here though.
Say what you will science boy. I'll keep sticking premium only in my saws. My trucks definetly run better, the odd time someone has borrowed one and topped it up with regular there's a major difference.

Trucks have EFI and electronic ignition which can advance the timing and take advantage of the higher octane, saws do not.

I have no horse in this race.
Some run aviation gas ,I think Net does .It's a preference I suppose about like mix oil ratios . If it feels good do it . First though you have to find an airport that sells the stuff .

Any airport small or large will have 100LL; it's the standard fuel of general aviation.