O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

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I've got a couple hundred feet of cutting to do on a job; hopefully it'll earn it's keep after that. I would like to get into doing more demo and maybe driveway repairs.

It's nice to have work when the tree side is slow!
I don't know if this qualifies as gear or not, but I do know two things. First, my house and garage are going to be toasty warm, and second, I'm not going to be buying much heating oil from now on.:D

Dave I lived in a rental place for a while that had zero insulation. First year I went through 100s of gallons of oil and had a freezing house. Bought one of those on ebay and burnt green pine all winter and it was toasty. When I moved out I sold it for more than I paid for it...
Awesome dave.

My next house will have one for sure. Id love to put one here but plan on moving on and would hate to leave it behind. Im sorta tired of the wood mess inside, dust, dirt, and between the stove and my pockets the sawdust.:lol:

On the up side i burn 200 gallons of oil a year for hot water and to maintain boiler temp, so about $700 for 2013.
My house would burn, on average, 9 gallons a day in the winter if I let it. And that doesn't heat the garage. I can heat the house ok with the woodstove, unless it gets down below about 10 F. But I still have to have at least 10 gallons a week for hot water, and I don't use much hot water. Oil furnace is a pig. I can't wait to never hear it run again.:evil: I'm with you on the mess issue. I have to haul a half-cord of wood a week through my kitchen, down the hall, and across the living room to the wood stove. It's amazing how much mess that creates.](*,)
Wow thats a lot of wood. I use about two to three of the old copper wash tubs full of wood stood up on end a day. Thats 70 degrees in here, 30 and below outside. Although all new insulation in the house.

Whats that use for underground piping, some sorts of pex? The guy down the street sells them, has a parking lot full.
Yes, I think Central calls theirs' Thermo Pex. I'm going to use the $13.95 a foot stuff, (1"), but I think I really want the $19.95 a foot stuff (1.25").:lol: I've talked to some other OWB owners, and they seem to be moving enough heat through 1" to heat much larger homes then me. My problem is my house was built when fuel oil was so cheap I think all you had to pay for was the delivery.:lol: Well, it seems that way today. The house has 2x4 walls, with something that is a damn poor excuse for insulation. That boiler is 60" deep, so I guess I know how long I'll be cutting my slab wood when I'm running the sawmill.8)
Brendon, you can lay the Pex on the ground and the snow won't melt off of it. Amazing stuff. But yes, it will be buried sometime next summer.

Jay, it's a Central Boiler 6048 outdoor wood boiler.

reddog, I bought it without the door. Have one on order. I bought it right.
That's awesome Dave! I know a few guys here with one. One guy heated a 2000sqft house and his 3000sqft shed/shop. Including his water. His utility bills for the 4-5 months of winter were like $100? If that

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A month or so back, I found a top load log burner on Youtube, the burn chamber was roughly 3x3x6 I think. Seemed like a swanky idea to me as cutting is for the birds as is splitting. It doesn't get that cold that long down here, but logs are easy to come by.

Last month our natural gas build was $62, combined with the power bill we were around $100-110, it's around that in the summer as well.