Stikine's subsistence thread rocks.
I found the following food article yet it obviously doesn't fit in his thread. And I wanted to post it because I feel it is an important issue. While subsistence is totally key and an important concept re food procurement, the vast majority of the world, afaik, gets their food produced by strangers and often from a mass production scenario which has many drawbacks.
I found the following food article yet it obviously doesn't fit in his thread. And I wanted to post it because I feel it is an important issue. While subsistence is totally key and an important concept re food procurement, the vast majority of the world, afaik, gets their food produced by strangers and often from a mass production scenario which has many drawbacks.

Denmark Raises Antibiotic-Free Pigs. Why Can’t the U.S.? (Published 2019)
American pigs are raised on a liberal diet of antibiotics, fueling the rise of resistant germs. Danish pork producers are proving there’s a better way.