No spill cans

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I finally after all these years bought the proper gas can ,a TSC special which holds two gallons . I don't have a picture handy but it has a removable spout which can be stored inside the can when not in use ,works well .

My use of mix gas is sporadic .I might go through a couple of gallon a day or it might last a month . The very rare times I run the big saws ,over 100 cc ,two gallons won't last all day . You sure can slice a lot of wood though .
When that type can (on the left) worked, it was WONDERFUL. I went probably two firewood and garden (same mix for my Mantis tiller) seasons without having gas hands (stink.) You just popped it in, pushed down....filled the tank in seconds and then stopped on its own. Didn't spill a drop. Ever. only don't they do the 'self stop' can't even use them carefully to dispense because of that right angle side flow.

If they're as strong as you all say, I'm going to look for the type Brian suggested.....
When that type can (on the left) worked, it was WONDERFUL. I went probably two firewood and garden (same mix for my Mantis tiller) seasons without having gas hands (stink.)
I tell my wife all the time that a man should smell of gasoline and horse chit .She doesn't agree with me .:|:
I have the can on the left as well. Not knowing which type of can would work best, I bought 5 or 6 different types over the last 10 years, and this is the only 1 that survived. Not only that, but it actually still works.
Getting back to the original post in this thread- I just looked in one of my catalogs and it says that the No-Spill cans have a lifetime warranty. Depending on their fine print, sounds like you may be able to get the nozzle repaired or replaced for free. Might be worth looking into, although you can buy a new can for as little as $16 so it doesn't sound like it would break the bank either way.
I use the Blitz cans. You can get a replacement cap, nozzle, and ring for $3.89, or you can go to Walmart and buy the smallest can for $2.50.
and those suck

Yep, that they do.

I have used Eagle cans for years, but they are no more, at least not around here. The little rubber plug would hold a lot of pressure, but then one day it would be gone. Surprised I never got shot in the eye by one. Did anyone mention the Blitz cans suck? They pour really fast with a half inch hole where the vent is supposed to be.:evil:

What's the problem with them? They pour slower? ETA: Or, what makes the No Spills that much better?

I think I'll stick with my cans that last for years in the full sun without worrying about my caps failing from the pressure.
I have a 2 gallon regular old fuel jug that lives in the bed of my pickup, I let the jug breathe a couple times a day from the cap on the back and its all good. The few times I have had hot weather and forgot about it the jug has ballooned up something special, but no blow up as yet. :)
I wonder if a gascan is something they'd ship across the border? I've had real problems this year with gas cans. I use the wedcos fivers and a combi can for on the truck. All my fivers seem to be cracking this year, time to upgrade/update.
i use the 2.5 gallon jugs but they have 5 and a small one. maybe a one gallon size,im not sure
I have a fiver that I get the gas in at the station and I then transfer it to a small 1 or 1 1/2 gal that I fuel the saws with.
I finally got one of these cans the other day when I cam back after NC.

I have to say that I'm liking it so far. I have never found a can that was convenient to add more fuel to with another can. The quart marks on the side let you actually know how much fuel you are adding so you can mix accurately. To me that is pretty sweet in itself.

If you ask why I bumped such an old thread.....YEP, I'm bored. :)
Here's the solution...
these are not my cans, just some pictures i found on another site...


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I had been wondering what was going to happen to my five-gallon no spill when summer got here, and I found out last week.:D It blew itself up into a big round ball and rolled about 30 feet across my driveway.:lol: Never spilled any fuel. Going to have to put wheel chocks under it when I park it for the day I guess.:/: My co-worker tried to use a smaller one that was over-pressurized to fill his string trimmer. I guess he set a world record for filling the little tank. Note to self: bleed off the pressure first.