Mud Truck Thread!

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LJ you are a pioneer.

6000rpms in first? dang, betcha wish you had a Ferarri on the bizniss end of that!
6k isn't read lining, and I wasn't accelerating I was using some engine breaking. That Horse has about 1300rpm to the redline over the ole Civic. I bet that Horse would do better pulling up the passes though, if for nothing else the closer ratio tranny.

You know what the red strip is for on the wheel?
I saw this Blazer (for sale or trade) on the way through the mountains, stopped and looked it over. A lot of boootyfab, but the tires are the same as I'll be getting in a couple weeks, except mine have some (about 85% more than you see here) tread left on the carcas. I still gotta find wheels but that style is fine with me.


At normal ride height, mine will sit about a foot lower, and my wheel base will be at least 10" longer, most likely my rear axle will be set back, but we'll check that out later. The door's lock cylinder is at about 6'3-4".
Getting near time for bed, going to add that is the truck you use to haul the previously mentioned "cartoon wood."
its for the driver to know when the wheel is centered. :) I think NASCAR uses that as well in many cars but I cant guarantee that, I dont watch that series.
Carl, I look forword to seeing some movie clips of you getting this truck dirty. When you finish with it!!

Have wanted to do something like this myself. But I have a boat project that is a bit more important to me.... Its fun reading about your build & scrounging up the pieces.
Yesterday's haul, 2240lbs of parts :)

Donor 205 on the left, donor 203 on the right. Had to carry that 205 275' through knee high grass. Wasn't happy about that in the slightest.
I'm glad I was not driving behind you :lol: That little trailer bouncing along the freeway, at least a Ton of cold iron being held by little cheap ass hardware store straps.

I tell you, I woulda changed lanes real quick :)

Glad you (and everyone else) got back safely. Those axles look awesome.
When you get done, tell me where you park the beast at night, woulda? I might need them axles for my rig. 8):D

My rover project keeps changing. Got a call from another guy with one, so gotta check that one out.
No bouncing, and yeah, those straps were chinsy but they held up. Nothing moved and I tried to sling it around. I didn't grab my 2" straps because it was raining when I left. Bought those in Wally World where I spent the night, found out the next morning they were really cheesy.

You can take them, they're insured by Glock ;)
Just won these puppies, 90% tread.

They run near $1500 a piece new. I'm getting all 4 for $550 delivered to Memphis. The Civic will be making another run!

those on the civic? PICS!!!!


ps. what size are they and sorry but I dont recognize the tread, what tires are they LJ?
:dude::dude:Carl...OH..Carl..from the looks of those axles YOU BE SERIUOS:dude::dude:

Can I ask what you had to give for um?
53"x16(wide)x20". Same tire as on the blue truck I posted above. That was the main reason I posted that picture!

I gave $1550. I'll get back $25 or so in scrap, $50ish for the zipper boots, maybe $50 for the two tie rods, and $500 or so for the axle shafts.

I'll be replacing the scrap metal with wheel brakes ($6-800ish), $100 for one piece boots (forgot the zipper boots, $8.95 to get them to me, $8.95 to send them to whoever buys them, they are normally $35 a piece, one piece boots don't leak, cost $25, but are a bitch to install, you'll see later on), $600ish for the front/rear hydro steering that replaces the tie rod, and a cool $4500 for front and rear 2", 42 spline axle shafts and lockers.

That puts me at $6725 for two full hydro, 2" shafted, 4 wheel disc brakes, locked 2.5T Rocks. I'll be doing the shaft conversion later to say the least. First things first I'm getting the tires and wheels (wheels look like they are going to $uck) so I can start designing and building the suspension, frame, ect. The 2" shafts can be done after the truck is together and I have money. If I run the stock shafts and break them, I'm out the $500 I would make off selling them.

I might run a pinion brake on the rear axle, haven't decided yet.

In the mean while, I'm going to get the stock brakes off and mohawk the center section, that's basically free.
Here is LJ at the support meeting for rock crawlers anonymous:

"Hello, my name is LJ, and today I crawled over rocks, it felt good'. :)
More into mud/trails, mainly because that's all we have around here.

Going to do my best to make it more all purpose than strickly mud though. Tall is tippy and that's stupid.
Got the big bastids unloaded in the shop. Going to town in a bit to run a couple errands for dad. While I'm out I'm going to pick up 8 casters for axle stands. Getting the axles safely off the ground a 3-4' will make them way easier to strip and work on. Then I can use the stands to position them under the truck.

Learned that lesson with the front axle of the tractor. Getting it back in, working in the dirt, uphill, with it's 38" tires mounted, was quite the workout.

The uphill part wasn't my idea when we parked the tractor to pull the axle.
Haha, the UPS was driving up as you were typing that.

The delivery was for 40 gallons of Crystal Light lemonade mix.

The last shipment was 80 gallons worth in May.
hahaha! wicked timing. thats a lotta mix, is the powdered stuff not to your fancy? Or, and I know this is a longshot, you could use actual lemons. :P
It's a powder. 2 little foil covered tubs about the size of a honey mustard thing you'd get from Wendy's or the like.

I think you'd be hard pressed to get enough lemons to make 40 gallons of lemonade for under the $41 it cost delievered. Plus the time savings.

You Canucks, lemons in your lemonade! That, that's wild!