Mrs. B cracks ribs at TCI

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Get well soon. Most of my stress and pain ended when I got the youngn's back to ND in one piece.
I am enjoying the DVD's that I got from you and Gerry at TCI.
I'm doing ok GiGi. The ribs are mending. I keep having muscle spasms in my back that are extremely painfull.
I am supposed to go back to work tomorrow (the doctor thinks I will be up to it). We'll see how that goes.
I never realized how much Jerry makes me laugh until now.
back to work? wow my doc said go home, seeya in 6 to 8 weeks. I was on WCB though as I hurt myself at work.
I remember those spasms, I think I just cracked my ribs in the day, about 10 hours later I was getting those spasms, talk about pain.
Yeah Paul...I agree I am going back to work too soon. After all, I'm the one feelin' the pain. But due to company policy regarding sick leave I have to make a show tomorrow and if I can't, I have to go back to the doc. Which is probably whats gonna happen cause as soon as I have a muscle spasm at work, in front of the public, they will be sending me home. It's not a pretty sight!
ha! yeah, when you sneeze and drop to your knees with a gasp of pain they might understand that it hurts a smidge..

I bruised a couple ribs (not broke) last year, still kinda' sore.

Hope Ya'll are feelin' better.

Best wishes.

I hope you didn't end up going back to work......

(unless, of course, there was some MAJOR improvement)
I'm making progress. Daytime is pretty easy now. Night time I still have to take a pain pill to get to sleep cause it really hurts to lay down. I'm still sleeping in the recliner a little. Still avoiding sneezes!!
Good to hear you're healing up, Terri ! Another week & we can 'rib' you about it & it won't hurt to laugh ! LOL
Glad to hear of things on the mend. When you get all better, you need to celebrate and get Jerry to cook you up something maybe bbq ribs:D