Mini skidwalk scraper

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Very few truck plows have downpressure they work just like Al said they wouldn't.
Contrair Poo Bear ,it must be in the translation :).If you look at that homemade set up he has no positive tie to the upper link of the three point hitch .Unless he had about an additional 500 pounds of weight on that thing ,what else could it do but float ??

I'm not saying it has to have positive down pressure .The old cable lift dozers never had it ,my Fergeson tractor doesn't either and it will dig to China and lift the front tires .It's all about the geometry involved in the lift assembley and mounting of the blade .
It must be for the county road crews .I do believe they must get a hoot seeing how many mail boxes they can knock over in a days plowing .:what:
Well there in lies a problem .If you were to put an indistructable mail box and it causes damage to equipment or someones auto you could be held liable ,no kidding .:what: It's an oximoron but so reads the law or at least in Ohio

I've got one made by Rubber Maid and it's pretty tough but they still have managed to beat it up a tad bit .

After a good wet heavy snow I've seen a whole row of mail boxes laying helter skelter in the snow banks .New driver most likely or just a plick .
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The reason I DIDN'T mount it solid is that I have a blade out back for a bigger tractor that has the bottom center folded back, basically ruined!

Another thing is that they should have is an adjustable pad behind the blade at the outer edges to prevent the thing from digging into the ground. Ours all had a height adjustment on the pads. Like in Justin's pictures

The beauty of doing what I did allows me to a. See it and b. roll the blade up or down so it will cut into the snow. Al IF you look closely I can put positive down pressure on it if I want the mount pivot will roll back and bump the pipe that I mount the stump grinder on. The real problem with the POS minis's is they don't have enough weight to traction ratio.

It works FINE and I made it better than it ever was before! Real men use a tractor, wheel loader OR a blower to move snow!:D
I bet it's kinda fun plowing snow, right? Maybe a 'lil boring, but...

Its fun only if you think about the fat paycheck. Its boring as hell, and more than a lil frustrating. The first plow of the season may be fun, but after 8 hrs its we go again. The thing I didn't like about it is that you feel like you can't take time off in the winter. When I was into it, it always seemed to snow on Sundays. But, its good money for what it is. Crank the tunes, bring a thermos or two of coffee, and away you go!
I signed up for a route this year.

It's OK the first few pushes, then it's like, wow this sucks.

On top of it I have a route with 25 residential customers. Yippy.
A person would like snow plowing here this year... Pretty much has only snowed on the weekend side of the week.... So you kinda know what to do with your days off.... :lol:

Al ... We used a telephone pole (big surprise there :lol: ) as we were worried about liability. We originally had a tree I had saved a pole of and she (the postal delivery person) eventually knocked it over as the base rotted.. So we stepped it up a notch. My analogy was that people hit telephone and power poles all the time :D I figure if they slay this one I will more than likely need a new box anyway :lol:
So far, the plow guys have avoided it ;)
Not to go astray on mail boxes but the best I've seen is mounted on a big truck coil spring .Kind of like Timex,takes a licking and keeps on ticking . Mine is on a 4 by 4 about 3 feet in the ground with the Rubber Maid attached there to . It used to be parrellel to the road but it's a bit askew because they keep slapping it around .

I'll say this for it though,plastic or not it's outlasted most of my neighbors metal boxes with excepting perhaps the guys' next door which is 1/4" plate steel .
So, what are the snowplow rates? Not so much a parking lot, but a homeowner... how much does it cost the average joe to have his average drive plowed?
We have some welders here that get creative like that (referring to the spring). I personally like the ones incorporated into a pillar of stone used for a gate or entry. Something I would like at our driveway entrance someday :)
Mine is 40 bucks but it's 550 feet long . I only got snowed in once that the tractor wouldn't plow it out .The next spring I retrieved a gas engine dozer from my shop and since then not enough snow to bother with . That little rascal will push some snow now .
All my driveways are $40-$60 sand is extra. Plowing here goes about $100-$150+/hr sand is extra.

Brent I think you mean Willie's pics. I don't use those sissy ass sliders on my plow. I'd only use them if I was doing strictly gravel. I do 90% pavement.
Long time ago they used to do it for a buck a minute,more or less .It most likely took them longer to collect the money than shove out an in town drive way.

Long time ago after myself and the ex parted I had the Fergy in town with the front mounted blade .Being such a kind hearted guy I would do all up and down the block,freebe .

Now herein lies that problem,nearly everybody wanted me to kind of wet my whistle and after half a dozen I was having a hard time seeing the freakin driveway let alone shoving it out .That's all I would have needed ,DWI on a danged farm tractor .:big-no:
Well they got my uncle Tom on a farm tractor .The genius that he was he drove his big old Case tractor into Mt Vernon Ohio and got a snoot full because the judge had taken his licence for being drunk in first place . He'd have been okay except he pulled right into the middle of a county fair parade .The judge was not amused .
My youngest brother and his wife were living in Gillette Wy that time a guy comandeered a high track D9 with a ripper and did untold damage until he ran it into a basement and couldn't crawl out of it .That must have been in the 80's and I imagine he's still locked up .Stupid cops were trying to blow a hole in the engine block to stop him ,about like elephant hunting with a sling shot .