Loose oil cap.


Feb 26, 2012
Eastern PA
I don't know how I did it but there I was cutting rounds, I just filled the saw and I must have put the cap on incorrectly. Of course it took me a minute to realize, just long enough to empty the entire oil reservoir down the front of my pants. On the plus side, My boots got a well needed oiling.
Lol, happens once every year or two. Nice warm oil on the pants. Good things sawdust soaks up a lot of it.
Used to be that could only be caused by operator error. These days the Stihl caps are prone to breaking and sometimes will fail even if you closed them correctly. I carry spares (gas and oil are different, and different saws have different caps). Thankfully I have lots of Husqvarna saws as well.
I run those new caps everyday and I've yet to have a single one break or come apart on me. Not a one.

On the otherhand I have oiled myself before. Lol.
Yup. I saw a guy swig gas once years back from a jet pack(slang for portable fuel containers on a belt), he thought it was his water container but it was gas. Yes I'm evil I lmao!
Diesel's a lot easier on the mouth than gas, if memory serves, right?
Yup. I saw a guy swig gas once years back from a jet pack(slang for portable fuel containers on a belt), he thought it was his water container but it was gas. Yes I'm evil I lmao!

I'm not evil and I don't like practical jokes, but some times some people just need a little hint they are just plain lazy.

Methylated spirits look a lot like water.

He got the message.:laughing6:
Drink some milk just before filling your mouth with gas.
That helps a lot.
I've had some trouble with the new Stihl caps. I bought a 200T off eBay last year, and it came with a leaking oil cap. Then I had a 192 start leaking oil a few weeks ago. So now I have 2 oil caps and 1 fuel cap in the box waiting.
The only saws I have trouble from the flip caps are the 200s...all the rest give me no grief. I've had to replace a couple of 200 gas caps that just got whacky.
Back a few years I ran an 066 that would dump oil on me often. I hated it. I can still feel my private parts getting soaked in hot oil on a hot day. You can't shake that feeling off either. Not until you shower. Once, that saw soaked my junk and my legs, so I refilled it, tightened the cap better, fired her up, and it got me again.
It sucked. The second dose set me off big time. I threw that saw. It was 8 am on a Friday and there was no way for me to leave that job and clean up. I wasn't wearing chaps either. I don't believe I even knew they existed back when I worked for other companies.
Diesel baths bother me also. Atleast gas evaporates to an extent. But diesel just sticks with you and reminds you all day that it is there. I still think a bar oil bath is the worst though. You can't forget for one minute that your legs are soaked and slimy.
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yeah diesel gas does suck to get on you. I paved driveways one summer and we had diesel in a pump sprayer that we would spray our equipment, tools, and bottoms of our boots with to keep the blacktop from sticking. you'd be covered with it in no time. I don't know what happened with the oil cap. can't blame it on the stihl caps 'cause it was a husky. I noticed it wasn't going on right 'cause the gasket was a little angled, so I was paying attention to it and made sure it was on right, or so I thought. it sucks when the problem is with the operator.