Bar oil 4.95 a gallon

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Next year out.
I already had one drum just opened, so 2 logging seasons, more or less.
Check this stuff out. I have some of the regular "oil", and I'm trying to find stuff to buy on amazon to get free shipping, but this doesn't qualify since it isn't shipped by amazon. I'm thinking of buying it anyway to check it out. Novel packaging, but it only saves $1 over what I spent at HomeDepot for a 1G jug.


i don't like when there's a red note "Always shake well before using". That means that the final product is unstable and can't sit for some times. Do we have to shake the 3120xp to remix the chain lube left in the oil tank from the previous use? this will be fun !
I noticed that as well. I found the stuff in the jugs separate also, but nowhere on the bottle does it say to shake it. I'm not sure it matters in oil tank quantities, but it's probably important to shake the main containers.
I mostly use canola also. If you let a saw sit for awhile though, it tacks everything up pretty bad. I bought Better Than Oil™ bio oil for my saws that don't get used as much. $20/G, but not too bad, since it isn't a primary oil.

A link to Better Than Oil...

It's interesting stuff. It's like KY for your saw :^D It's slippery without feeling oily. Seems to work well, but I can't vouch for long term use.
Update on this. I'm sold on it so far. It works well, and $20/G isn't the worst price in the world. I use it in my lesser used saws, or when a saw will be parked for awhile. It has to be shaken before use to mix, and it's water based, so it doesn't like being mixed with oil, but I don't see what it really harms for a bar lubricant. My 661 looks like it blew a headgasket, and has foamy, murky stuff in the oil tank, but it all flows, so I'm calling it good. If I stuck to oil or water, I'm sure it would clear out over time.

BTW, they changed the name to Mechanic in a Bottle. It's the same thing from the same people, different name.
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Update on this. I'm sold on it so far. It works well, and $20/G isn't the worst price in the world. I use it in my lesser used saws, or when a saw will be parked for awhile. It has to be shaken before use to mix, and it's water based, so it doesn't like being mixed with oil, but I don't see what it really harms for a bar lubricant. My 661 looks like it blew a headgasket, and has foamy, murky stuff in the oil tank, but it all flows, so I'm calling it good. If I stuck to oil or water, I'm sure it would clear out over time.

BTW, they changed the name to Mechanic in a Bottle. It's the same thing from the same people, different name.
Is the main attraction for you environmental in nature?
Is the main attraction for you environmental in nature?
I think so, in one way or another. I don't like the idea of throwing oil on the ground for a couple milliseconds of use, and (dino)oil would be better used for something more lasting. I'm pretty happy running canola oil, but it tacks up if you aren't running a saw every day. I'm pretty sure that's what cooked the oilpump in my poulan. Yea, it's plastic junk, but still.

I doubt any of it really matters that much with the amount I use saws, but that also makes it easier to pay $20/G, so I just buy it and think happy thoughts. Canola for my working saws, and bio oil for saws that sit.

That bio used to be available as a concentrate. I don't know if it still is, cause I can't find it, but that's a super cool way of having backup lubricant with you. Comes in a flexible bag, and you add water and shake to mix it. Fits in a tiny space, so you can stuff it behind a truck seat as an emergency backup.

Just made another look for the bagged concentrate, but came up empty. I guess it's discontinued. I did find they now have concentrate in a 1G jug. Makes 4G, costs $64 direct from them.
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Just made another look for the bagged concentrate, but came up empty. I guess it's discontinued. I did find they now have concentrate in a 1G jug. Makes 4G, costs $64 direct from them.
I got a jug of the concentrate yesterday, and it's pretty heavy. The instructions say to pour into a 5G bucket, add water, then mix with a drill mixer. I'm not doing all of that, so we'll see how well it works. My plan is to make ≤1G at a time, pour it in a jug, then shake the shit out of it.

One thing that didn't occur to me(it should have...), is you can add extra water since it's water based. Applies to the non concentrated formula also. Don't have to get crazy with it. You could get a couple "free" tankfuls of lubricant per gallon, and not significantly affect the chemistry. All weather(≥ -17°F) mix is 3:1. Below that is 2:1. I had to think about that a bit cause it's thick as shit, but I think it's to prevent the water from freezing. It'll be awhile before I mix any, cause I still have some regular formula to use up, but I'll report back when I do. I'm already happy with the performance, but mixing could be a hassle.

That second one is a little closer to reality, but people that are inclined to pay $50/G, probably aren't using much oil. A gallon every few years or so.
$7.50 is a great price. I haven't seen it that cheap in a couple years. $12 seems to be the "cheap" price around here these days. Canola works great. Just be wary of parking the saw for long periods of time(2 months+) after running canola. It'll tack up. The chain will stick in the bar, and if you take the chain off, it'll have some measure of standout like a powertape :^D Neither of those is a huge deal, but the oilpump seizing up is. It'll also get gummy chunks under the cover if you don't keep it clean. Any place that mixes oxygen and canola has a risk of it setting up. No problems at all if you keep the saw working.