The flippy caps only close one way and open only one way. If you break it, you did it wrong. Sure, you can get it twisted out of it's two-part seat, but you gotta twist more than is necessary to do so.
The screw on caps, hand tight should do it. If not, you got a bad seal on the O-ring. Some guys will use a scrench to tighten the Stihl screw on caps. Bad idea and unnecessary. You'll loosen the center of that cap and it will leak over time. Hand tight gets them seated tight for me.
I did get oil dumped once. I just set the flippy cap in it's seat and closed the lid without turning it (what I get for being in a hurry). Pick up the saw to cut at shoulder height and got a tankful from the shirt down. Instead of driving the mile to the house, I walked and changed clothes.