Loose oil cap.

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  • #51
Electric saws suck, at least the old ones I have around the house. I like the idea of it but no power. I saw some battery powered saws at the expo last year, I wonder when that will become standerd.
I don't much care for them either, but I took a tree down for a guy last year who owned one. I would cut/lower limbs to my daughter, who would pull/control them once they got to the ground, and the HO would step in and cut them up so he could drag them back out of the way (no clean up job). It was great to be able to communicate with them over the sound of the saw.
I kind of inherited an electric chainsaw from my dad who got it from his father .Old but really isn't all that bad in the power department .

We carried an electric saw in the line truck because occassional you'd get a pole where it looked like they left the roots attached .So damned fat at the base it wouldn't fit in the hole . A little trim job was all it took .
With an electric saw, we would surely hear a lot more creaking and popping. I shut the saw off a few times last week as we laid some trees down across a backyard and between houses. Once they were committed to my intended lay, I shut the saw off. My groundman and i were in awe of the creaking a popping. We never hear that.
I remember when I first started in tree work, the cracking sounds you get when falling a large tree sometimes, used to scare the heck out of me, not anymore, more like interesting now with a tinge of scary. One becomes more intimate with it.
Way long time ago they did use huge electric saws before small reliable two cycle engines came into being .Those powered by portable generaters they towed up into the woods .Danged things were huge and heavy but a damn sight better that a two man cross cut and a double bit axe .
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  • #57
I look forward to when electric saws are standard. at some point they will be plenty strong with long lasting batteries. and then no more dumping oil on myself. but who knows, mabye we'll start shocking ourselves!
Sorry to disappoint, but the electric chain saws have a bar oil reservoir as well...but you won't be spilling gas any more!
Wonder if you guys have ever seen the more heavy duty electric saws, over here 200 volts. I first saw one in use in the yard of a shoe manufacturer where someone was bucking up logs to make the shoe heels out of. Slow cutting but they appear to have some halfway useful torque. Pretty common to see at the auctions, so it seems they have some broad use, or at least used to. I have yet to see anyone using one directly in tree falling. Being a lot quieter is an advantage in more residential settings.
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  • #61
What about some sort of light saber type saw, and only thoes strong with the force could use'm
What about getting frozen when you die and being brought back to life? Me thinks the kid is watching too many movies.
No doubt Butch. A pro grade, balanced, electric saw that lays down several HP, and can cut for awhile without a charge. That will be a game changer.
It's coming. The new lithium ion cordless drills are light weight, strong and the batteries recharge in 10 minutes. Only a matter of time before technology progresses to the next level.
It is.
Would make a GREAT museum ship, instead of going on the scrap heap.

I'd love to see her.
Yep... My ship (USS Carl Vinson CVN-70) was over in the Persian Gulf with the big "E" for one of the many "Operation Desert _________" and we launched and recovered planes simultaneously only 5 to 10 miles from each other. Friggin' badass... :)

It's cool when you can see another carrier at sea, cruising along with you. I only got to see that once, with the Constellation. Very cool.
I'd love to take a tour of a carrier. MB, I think they have an open day once a year here when the public can visit some ships, possibly near your old stomping grounds. "Friendship day", I think it is called.
If you've never been aboard a carrier you cannot imagine the size .I was aboard the JFK in New Port News shortly after it was built .Passed the big E once in a fog .That thing made that fast attack sub look like a piss ant .