Level Stumps on Steep Ground

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Sometimes, a straight stick, extending on the far side of the hinge helps people dial in their back cut.

Full wrap helps.

Stephen's playbook included standing with one spur on the downhill leg.

Springboards put you on level ground. More tree companies should have them.

It's a simple scaffold to work at a higher level
A level is a great idea. I figure one could use extra thick oil instead of water to dampen vibrations. It would best go on the power head to avoid damage.
I still don't get all this noise about how to level a saw bar. I am sorry. But forever in all aspects of my life, for me, my eye is a dead on laser accurate level. Does not matter the setting, be it 120 percent sidehill or in my living room.

I am quite unsettled by a picture frame off level by a degree or two. When I check into a hotel room, I have to go to each lampshade that is off and correct it's position to level before I can begin to relax.

I have had to reset a starting cut after backing away to check my initial setting from time to time, but seeing what is level from a step back has never been a problem. I cannot grasp lacking this ability.
Like Burnam, I get weird about stuff being off level. My years in construction did that to me. Level and plumb.
Every once in a while, my back cut will go high low to apex, but mostly when tired. Just ain't holding my mouth right for the weariness. Just keep practicing and correcting. More experience equals better cutting.
https://youtu.be/0zSW8EWCmWA ... that’s a trick setup mate ! ... https://youtu.be/pelw_bbwRYU ... have no idear on this unit

Stephen: You guys are weird. (You and Burnham.) Most of the rest of us absolutely suck at any conception of anything LIKE level. (If my observance of hundreds of new guys, and even lots of very experienced tree-service hands are any indication.) I became vastly improved, shortly before, and then greatly thereafter starting this thread. Burnham helped me very much indeed with the drizzle dripping off his full-brim hat at zip-fest. I still suck, but I've got super weird mental tricks now that are nigh on incommunicable.

Frankie: Leave it to the freakin Krauts, eh?
Yep, the brain has myriads of sensors to have a grasp on what's going on around him. So all the data are available. First problem, keeping track of them and knowing how to use them. Second and bigger problem, parameterizing the suited muscular responses. It's mostly an automated process for our mind ( conscious part of the brain activities), but it takes time and need care and constancy.

I should apply that to launch the throw line. I surely would get a better result. :/:
There's the magic...some few of us need no time, care, nor constancy to find level. And unlike Stephen, I cannot place any ability to "see" level on work experience.

I was born with it, and it has been both a gift and bane from my first awareness.

Some years back, Stig in a pm to me posited that, given the relatively (to him, and agreed by me completely) low number of fells that my work has set before me, that I must have an unusual level of native talent...seeing as I seem to be able to accomplish advanced cuts without thousands of fells to earn the skills.

Stig, if my memory differs from yours, please say so.

In any event, I think being able to perceive level (simple), and to be able to visualize where the tip of 36, 42, or 60 inches of bar is and what it is doing deep inside a tree that well exceeds those dimensions (much harder), is a talent that cannot be easily learned. I'm sure it can be, but how??...Not so sure. It's a three dimensional puzzle at it's most simplistic description.

It is, as I said before, a gift. I cannot say I am better at it than most because I worked for it...just supremely lucky to have been born with the magic insight.
I didn’t read all the responses but it seems to me that holding the saw level is just one part of it. You need a good chain that’s evenly sharpened and tensioned correctly. Straight bar with no burrs. And to apply the right pressure while cutting.
A properly functioning, maintained, and equipped saw should be a given for a pro user. But certainly worth mentioning on a forum.

My simplistic quip was just a smart ass remark to razz all the strugglers back in the day. I quoted it and brought it forward in time for essentially the same reason. :D
I like the double dogs too... oversized from a 66 on a 46.
Lose a little bar length, but great control.

I used to have a tendency to allow the tip to drop on low cuts with a long bar. So just before hitting the wood, I stop for a second and bring the tip up to level. On high cuts above the waist, the tendency is to start with the tip high. Still need work on that one. Makes for a crooked notch. Hate the look of them.
So this"ll probly irritate you guys like nobody's business... I have TERRIBLE internet connectivity out here in Snoqualmie. The GoPro doesn't like me. I have SERIOUS uploading issues. It looks like Butch and Corey's preferred Jed-lenght video is gonna win out, since I can't hardly upload anything longer than a minute out here. :lol::|::lol::violent1::|::lol:

Anyways........... this next tree has to go in, like, three seperate installments. :|::violent1:

Good vid and funny title!

Yes that machine looks fantastic! Is it new to you folks?
I agree. You are a natural "presenter"...good narration and explanation...and entertaining at the same time.

Rock on!!
Couple things I noticed. Why not drop it toward your rope? It looked like there was enough room. Also, keep your saw out of the dirt when starting.