I messed up a couple of my large pulleys yesterday. Not sure exactly what happened, but I think they clashed in a MA system when I wasn't paying attention. Bent the cheekplates a little, and gouged the sheaves leaving rough edges. On careful inspection, I think they'll be fine. I'll smooth out the gouges with a file, and double check clearances with rope to make sure the cheek bends won't affect it, but it looks like minimal capacity loss with the damage.
These are both big CMI pulleys. I was looking online to see about replacing them. The CMI outlet store has a few models that look interesting, from the same ones I damaged, to slightly bigger models, with bearing/bushing options. I'm thinking about getting a couple more for when I want to be absolutely sure I get the stated capacity. The ones I have are perforated stainless, 3" aluminum sheave with bushings, and 16k# mbs, ⅝" rope capacity.
The question(finally!) - What do you all use pulleys for? I bought the ones I have specifically for setting up redirects and Zdrags, and didn't have a clear goal otherwise. Any other uses that would influence a purchase decision? Bigger sheaves? Slightly higher weight capacity? Something worth doubling the weight of what I have?
These are both big CMI pulleys. I was looking online to see about replacing them. The CMI outlet store has a few models that look interesting, from the same ones I damaged, to slightly bigger models, with bearing/bushing options. I'm thinking about getting a couple more for when I want to be absolutely sure I get the stated capacity. The ones I have are perforated stainless, 3" aluminum sheave with bushings, and 16k# mbs, ⅝" rope capacity.
The question(finally!) - What do you all use pulleys for? I bought the ones I have specifically for setting up redirects and Zdrags, and didn't have a clear goal otherwise. Any other uses that would influence a purchase decision? Bigger sheaves? Slightly higher weight capacity? Something worth doubling the weight of what I have?