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How many of you carry a knife?

  • Always

    Votes: 31 68.9%
  • Never

    Votes: 6 13.3%
  • Only when I think I might need one

    Votes: 4 8.9%
  • Only when I know I will need one

    Votes: 4 8.9%

  • Total voters
ive got several pocket knives, it takes several as im always losing them:) and always finding another
Why pack three knives around? Is crime that bad there?

If I need it to save my ass, the 7.25 inch blade might need more room than I have to deploy. The small fixed blades, one on each side, can be deployed even if someone came from behind and grabbed me in a bear hug. I just want to be ready and that's why I study and practice knife fighting as well. A knife in even the hands of an untrained person is worth several years of martial arts training against an unarmed attacker.

Physical assaults here are probably far less than a big mainland city. The vast majority of crimes here are property crimes like car theft and burglary.
Frig that half the reason I carry a knife is self defense, the other half is for peeling the skins off apples.:D
Frig that half the reason I carry a knife is self defense, the other half is for peeling the skins off apples.:D

the one I hide...........
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I've been carrying some form of a knife, be it pocket, folding, or fixed blade on me since I was about 10 years old.

I have only carried Buck Knives. :)

The first knife I got was a Buck. It was given to me by my Grandpa... and I still have it. Been a fan of their knives ever since.

I've carried one since I was little. I prefer 3 blade Case Trappers, carbon steel so I can keep them sharp. I lost three from falling out of my pocket while climbing though so now I carry a $6.00 barlow.
I have a couple swiss army knives, gerber multiplier, a schrade, a buck, a spyderco, a cheapo boot knife... and some other non significant knives. I pack something when camping or hiking. otherwise nada.
I always have a little Victorinox SignatureII on my key minibiner, A Wenger Highlander in my right front pocket and a Leatherman Juice in the left front pocket. I have habitually carried a pocketknife since I was 8 years old. I still have the first knife I lost. (I lost my BoyScout knife in my grandfathers garden-he found it when he dug potatoes).
Be prepared! I like being prepared but it is pretty pathetic when I find myself the only man in a room full of adults with the means to open a package.
At times I have carried a cheap Spyderco knockoff on my saddle but admit that I quit bothering-my current saddles allow me to get into the pockets on my Arborwear britches.
innocuously I have been mistaken. On my toolbelt I have my felco #6, a 15x 20x magnifier and a victorinox pruning / grafting knife. about 4 inch folding knife. when not in work garb I do not have a blade on me.
I think you're overly paranoid.

Maybe I am. When walking in a parking lot, etc., I always have my hand resting on one of the knives. If I am going to be mugged or attacked, the other party is going to pay somehow. I already made up my mind and instilled in my daughters and wife, to never allow anyone to force you into a vehicle to so they can take you somewhere and torture you and kill you at their leisure. Just last week a guy in the next town from where I live was forced into a van and taken to someplace where another guy was waiting and beaten. If someone wants to kill me, they are going to have to do it where I am....I am NOT about to be taken to a remote area and let some punks have their fun with me and then kill me. Even if they have a gun, they will have to shoot me. If they grabbed me, they will be cut and I am not going quietly.

I think I am paranoid. :lol:
I think you're overly paranoid.

I still haven't figured out why people feel the need to inject their trivial opinions into every conversation pertaining to self preservation. It would seem that since they add no tangible value to the discussion they would best be left out of the conversation.

I can't see where what I or anyone else does in the name of preparing for self preservation effects anyone but ourselves , perhaps our immediate family, and the threat to that person(s). Since it only effects those not in the conversation, why say things such as that?

Maybe I'll take that class where I figure that out next semester.:roll:
To answer the poll I didn't see earlier.

Since I never always do anything, I vote that I have one nearly all the time I'm dressed, but sometimes I forget.
Koa Man you are right not to get into the car. Make your stand in the parking lot where at least there will be witnesses, and the bad guys don't want anyone watching.
I still haven't figured out why people feel the need to inject their trivial opinions into every conversation pertaining to self preservation. It would seem that since they add no tangible value to the discussion they would best be left out of the conversation.

I can't see where what I or anyone else does in the name of preparing for self preservation effects anyone but ourselves , perhaps our immediate family, and the threat to that person(s). Since it only effects those not in the conversation, why say things such as that?

Maybe I'll take that class where I figure that out next semester.:roll:

Yeah, Carl, whatever. I'm thinking maybe YOU outta carry four knives. You're striking me as the kind of person who puts themselves IN that type of position.

"inject their trivial opinions?" I'll inject whatever in the hell I want to inject anytime I wanna inject it. You gotta problem with that? :X
Hmm,I thought the topic was more about knives being used as a tool,cutting line ,stripping wire etc. Well,that's what use mine for at least. Oh,I use it to clean my finger nails also. Too dangerous to use as a toothpick.
Al, thats about where I figure my knife is handy, I dont consider it as a protection device although if pressed I guess it might cross my mind lacking any other weapons.
Why would you want to pick a tooth? :? Arkansas toothpick, isn't that what they call Rambos knife.