Ivermectin vs. Covid and the vaccine

he's saying that while Denmark is one of the least corrupt countries in the world, big parm has still paid off the doctors.

He wraps the second video by saying... "when crime pays you will have more crime. that is how capitalism works"

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from mercola:
The Deadly Censorship of Ivermectin

As noted by Weinstein, the idea that medical and scientific consensus can be established seemingly from one day to another in the middle of a pandemic involving a novel virus is simply not believable. It cannot happen, because scientific and medical consensus arises over time, as experts challenge each other’s theories.

A hypothesis may sound good, but will break apart once another piece of evidence is added. So, it changes over time. What happened here, however, over the last year and a half, is that a consensus was declared early on, and subsequent evidence was simply discarded as misinformation.

The examples of this are numerous. Take vitamin D, for example. We’ve long known vitamin D influences your immune system. Yet the manufactured consensus declared vitamin D irrelevant in the case of COVID-19, and this stance remains to this day, even though dozens of studies have now demonstrated that vitamin D plays a crucial role in COVID-19 outcomes specifically.

The lab leak theory is another example. Manufactured consensus declared it bunk, and that was it. Face masks were declared effective without any evidence, and anyone pointing out the discrepancy between this recommendation and what the scientific literature was showing was simply declared to be violating some vaguely defined “community standards.”

Manufactured consensus declared hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin dangerous and/or useless, saying we can’t possibly risk using these drugs unless they’re proven safe and effective in large randomized controlled trials (RCTs). As noted by Weinstein, they willingly roll the dice when it comes to the novel COVID shots, yet apply ridiculously high standards of safety and effectiveness when it comes to off-patent drugs that have decades of safe use.

There’s something very unnatural and unscientific about all of this, and that raises serious questions about intent. What is the intent behind these manufactured consensuses that by any reasonable standard have been proven flawed or incorrect?

For all the talk about preventing dangerous misinformation being spread by the average person, governments, Big Pharma, Big Tech and nongovernmental organizations that have a great deal of influence over nations, have in fact engaged in the biggest disinformation campaign in human history. The question is why?

As noted by Kory, over time, he has developed a deep cynicism about many of the agencies and organizations that are supposed to protect public health, because their recommendations and conclusions do not comport with good science. And, if we trust them exclusively, we can get into real trouble.

The thing is, there must be a reason for why they don’t follow the science, and that, most likely, is because they’re beholden to financial interests. If the science doesn’t support those financial interests, it’s disregarded.
someone asked for science..

Her ya go! just click on the link
Expert evidence regarding Comirnaty (Pfizer) COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine for children
This expert statement was submitted in conjunction with a lawsuit that challenges the EU’s authorisation of the use of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine on children of 12 years and older.
Just Wow!
It's so much informative; well worth the reading. The most interesting part for me is that it depicts the different mechanisms at the origine of the physiological troubles related to the covid 19 vaccine. And there is actually a lot of them, prooven now.
How To Push Back Against The Medical Cabal, Chew On This!
New York attorney Ralph Lorigo shares with Chew On This! host, Reinette Senum, how he has navigated …

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Just a reminder, the FDA has forced most pharma companies in the past to abandon phase 3 trials and go back to the drawing board when as few as 20-50 deaths from a med were recorded (the swine flu vax was one of the most famous). Here in the US alone, over 5600 deaths after ~8 months, and the CDC now admitting the jab doesn't stop people from getting/spreading the latest variant:

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