Ivermectin vs. Covid and the vaccine

Chalk one up for the tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists lizard people and alien genesis believing narcissists..

Opinion | Media Groupthink and the Lab-Leak Theory - https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/31/opinion/media-lab-leak-theory.html?action=click&module=Opinion&pgtype=Homepage

Opinion Columnist
If it turns out that the Covid pandemic was caused by a leak from a lab in Wuhan, China, it will rank among the greatest scientific scandals in history: dangerous research, possibly involving ethically dubious techniques that make viruses more dangerous, carried out in a poorly safeguarded facility, thuggishly covered up by a regime more interested in propaganda than human life, catastrophic for the entire world.

But this possible scandal, which is as yet unproved, obscures an actual scandal, which remains to be digested.
I mean the long refusal by too many media gatekeepers (social as well as mainstream) to take the lab-leak theory seriously. The reasons for this — rank partisanship and credulous reporting — and the methods by which it was enforced — censorship and vilification — are reminders that sometimes the most destructive enemies of science can be those who claim to speak in its name.
Rewind the tape to February of last year, when people such as Senator Tom Cotton began pointing to a disturbing fact set: the odd coincidence of a pandemic originating in the same city where a Chinese lab was conducting high-end experiments on bat viruses; the troubling report that some of the original Covid patients had no contact with the food markets where the pandemic supposedly originated; the fact that the Chinese government lied and stonewalled its way through the crisis. Think what you will about the Arkansas Republican, but these were reasonable observations warranting impartial investigation.

The common reaction in elite liberal circles? A Washington Post reporter called it a “fringe theory” that “has been repeatedly disputed by experts.” The Atlantic Council accused Cotton of abetting an “infodemic” by “pushing debunked claim that the novel coronavirus may have been created in a Wuhan lab.” A writer for Vox said it was a “dangerous conspiracy theory” being advanced by conservatives “known to regularly spew nonsense (and bash China).
There are many more such examples. But the overall shape of the media narrative was clear. On one side were experts at places like the World Health Organization: knowledgeable, incorruptible, authoritative, noble. On the other were a bunch of right-wing yahoos pushing a risible fantasy with xenophobic overtones in order to deflect attention from the Trump administration’s mishandling of the crisis.

Yet it was also a narrative with holes larger than Donald Trump’s mouth.
Was it outrageous to think that the virus might have escaped the Wuhan Institute? Not if you listened to evolutionary biologist Bret Weinstein’s patient, lucid, scientifically rich explanation of the lab-leak hypothesis — which he delivered almost a year ago on the decidedly non-mainstream Joe Rogan podcast.
Was it smart for science reporters to accept the authority of a February 2020 letter, signed by 27 scientists and published in The Lancet, feverishly insisting on the “natural origin” of Covid? Not if those reporters had probed the ties between the letter’s lead author and the Wuhan lab (a fact, as the science writer Nicholas Wade points out in a landmark essay in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, that has been public knowledge for months).
Was it wise to suppose that the World Health Organization, which has served as a mouthpiece for Chinese regime propaganda, should be an authority on what counted as Covid “misinformation” by Facebook, which in February banned the lab-leak theory from its platform? Not if the aim of companies like Facebook is to bring the world closer together, as opposed to laundering Chinese government disinformation while modeling its illiberal methods.

To its credit, Facebook reversed itself last week. News organizations are quietly correcting (or stealth editing) last year’s dismissive reports, sometimes using the fig leaf of new information about Wuhan lab workers being infected in the fall of 2019 with a Covid-like illness. And the public-health community is taking a fresh look at its Covid origin story.
But even now one gets a distinct sense of the herd of independent minds hard at work. If the lab-leak theory is finally getting the respectful attention it always deserved, it’s mainly because Joe Biden authorized an inquiry and Anthony Fauci admitted to doubts about the natural-origin claim. In other words, the right president and the right public-health expert have blessed a certain line of inquiry.
Yet the lab-leak theory, whether or not it turns out to be right, was always credible. Even if Tom Cotton believed it. Even if the scientific “consensus” disputed it. Even if bigots — who rarely need a pretext — drew bigoted conclusions from it.
Good journalism, like good science, should follow evidence, not narratives. It should pay as much heed to intelligent gadflies as it does to eminent authorities. And it should never treat honest disagreement as moral heresy.
Anyone wondering why so many people have become so hostile to the pronouncements of public-health officials and science journalists should draw the appropriate conclusion from this story. When lecturing the public about the dangers of misinformation, it’s best not to peddle it yourself.
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Nice to read something reasonable.
So, some may have a moral conflict after all. But I bet that many more have no shame to change sides, as usual. Easy, just adapt the narrative.
Dr Roger Hodkinson is my hero. His credentials are unparalleled. The information in this video is authoritative. There is no speculation here. JUST THE FACTS!
He says " don't believe what you are being told, it's a pack of lies".
The truth is you are easy to manipulate. You are so plugged into the system you don't know how to think for yourselves. And you don't want the responsibility of having to think for yourselves. You like being told what to do. You were trained to do so as children and you never grew up. They lined you up in school, the bell ran and you marched right off to wherever they told you to go next.
You think you have it all figured out. Nothing outside your viewpoint could be true right? You think you're free. And you think you're so smart.
They tell you to go get your vaxxines and you line right up again. But hey, that's not good enough. Now they want your kids vaxxed too. So you line them up for an experimental medical procedure produced by greedy mass-murdering serial killing pharmaceutical companies that take no responsibility for their murderous actions.
For what? a virus that doesn't hurt them. The vaxx offers no benefit for children. And the long-term consequences are completely unknown. But given, the history of medicine and the way this thing was rushed to market, the price they will pay for your stupidity is likely to be severe.
IN conclusion: you are an idiot and you got fooled again. If you want to keep it that way, don't watch this video. It will burst your bubble. And of course... have a nice day!
In other news...

The Dunning-Kruger effect is one of the most famous—and predictable—biases in human behavior. It posits that people who don't understand a topic also lack sufficient knowledge to recognize that they don't understand it. Instead, these people know just enough to convince themselves that they completely grasp the topic, with results ranging from hilarious to painful.

Nice to read something reasonable.
So, some may have a moral conflict after all. But I bet that many more have no shame to change sides, as usual. Easy, just adapt the narrative.
My GF sent me the piece.
Here was my reply.

He's an intellectual apologist, deflecting blame to China now that the truth is coming out.. did he call for a Congressional investigation? Or tie it back to the US gain of function research at Ft Detrick and UNC? or mention Fauccis' role in funding the Wuhan research? HELL NO.. he gave Faucci a pat on the back for being the one that helped bring this truth to light. That's inside out.. Fauci is complicit in the creation of this pandemic. If the real truth comes out Faucci will likely go to jail. But that's not going to happen, as long as the NYT keeps covering his ass.

Did he call for a full investigation into Fauci's roll? Or his resignation or prosecution if his involvement the lab-leak theory proved correct?

Did he point out that the breadth and width of the manipulation of information in both the media and scientific world are so extreme and universal that they call into question what kind of forces could have such omnipotence to control the story in this way? THE LANCET is considered one of the two or three most prestigious medical journals in the world no less... He simply asks the question "how did the Lancet not check its sources?" rather than point out that the main function of the Lancet is to CHECK SOURCES and verify that the science they publish is 100% straight. It's unthinkable that the Lancet simply made a mistake of that proportion by not checking its sources. He blows the opportunity to suggest that the fact that the Lancet can be controlled is clear evidence of a conspiracy of immense proportion is at work here. And if "they" can control that story, what other stories have we been deceived with? What about the other HUGE fabrication in the Lancet.. they got the story about hydroxychloroquine being dangerous wrong too. again the Lancet retracted, but it wasn't just some little oversight (which they are famous for not making) The science on hydroxychloroquine proved to be a complete fabrication. Now that's a pattern. Did he mention that?

Did he suggest that there might be other aspects of this pandemic where we might have been misled about? Can we trust the science on lockdowns, social distancing, or mask-wearing now? Did he point the finger at big pharma for its role in misleading us about early treatments that actually do work?

Did he mention that new techniques in genetic manipulation have rendered the old treaties on biological weapons outdated as the lines between defensive and offensive research have been completely blurred by new lab technology? Did he call for creating new international treaties on biological weapons to account for the new technologies?

For God's sake did he call for an immediate moratorium on all gain of function research WORLDWIDE... not just in China?

Or did he just pat Sleepy Joe on the back and say "good job". Now we have a president we can count on. Total BS.. this is a situation where common sense far outweighs science. I've said it from the start. What are the chances that the biggest pandemic in the last 100 years, was caused by a coronavirus in bats at a wet market only 8 miles away from the only Level 4 virology lab in China that was doing gain of function research on a coronavirus in bats?

Did he mention a potential that the lab leak may have actually been intentional, a bioweapon? Or ask what nefarious motives may have been behind that? The very language of calling it a "lab-leak", rather than a lab release or other such name is heading off the possibility of that story coming to light, should it prove to be the case.

Maybe I should have just played the crossword puzzle... But hey, chalk one up for the tin foil hat-wearing conspiracy theorists on this one.. I'd guess this story is going to go just about nowhere, though I hope I'm wrong.

Here is a post I put up on the tree forum over a year ago May 9 2020:
We are tree guys. We are supposed to have a little common sense. that's how we go home every night with all our fingers and all our toes.

So let's try using a little common sense in this scenario. Of all the places in the world that the first global pandemic, since the "Spanish flu" of 1918, could have started, it comes from a naturally mutating coronavirus in bats at a wet market that is only 8 miles away from the Chinese Virology lab that studies coronaviruses in bats.
*Yup, that's exactly how smart I am. I'm sure you see something amazing in the origin, but it means frig all to me. Where it came from is trivia at this point.

*Assuming I did actually say that. Sounds like something I'd say, but I can't be arsed to go back and verify.
Just in case you haven't heard this on the news. IF YOU'VE HAD THE SARS2 VIRUS, YOU DON'T NEED THE VAXXINE. This according to a study from the Cleveland Clinic.
Now ask yourself this. Why would any previously infected student or employee be required to take an experimental vaccine which offers NO BENEFIT while the long-term risks are still completely unknown? Even all the brainwashed pro-vaxxers have to admit, that makes zero sense. This has to be the BEST argument against universal vaxxine mandates. Winning this victory is the first step in getting all vaccine mandates rejected.
Results: Not one of the 1359 previously infected subjects who remained unvaccinated had a SARS-CoV-2 infection over the duration of the study. In a Cox proportional hazards regression model, after adjusting for the phase of the epidemic, vaccination was associated with a significantly lower risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection among those not previously infected, but not among those previously infected.
Conclusions Individuals who have had SARS-CoV-2 infection are unlikely to benefit from COVID-19 vaccination, and vaccines can be safely prioritized to those who have not been infected before.
Lastly, if you haven't heard this on the news ask yourself "why not?"

A nun in the UK states she has been asked to pay for 50 people that were killed by the vaxxine:

A nun in the UK states she has been asked to pay for 50 people that were killed by the vaxxine:

This is the nun, I suspect foul play. 8ABF4F25-56DD-4DC6-BEF7-4C73B131287A.png