Ivermectin vs. Covid and the vaccine

Copied and pasted from the written comments from one of the participants, Mr. Steve Kirsch... is a serial entrepreneur who has been researching adverse reactions to COVID vaccines. of this video:

Tony Fauci funded the virus research. The escape from the lab was an accident, but when Tony realized the virus he funded escaped, he conspired with Kristian Andersen, Jeremy Farrar (of Wellcome), and others to cover it up. So this whole thing is Tony's fault, and he lied to Congress, covered it up, and the emails were improperly redacted so we can't see what really happened. This is all well documented and laid out in Chris Martenson's excellent videos (see Fauci's Dishonesty and Co-Conspirators Revealed! #007 and #008). Jeremy Farrar didn't answer my email to him (I know him) to explain what happened. Kristian blocked Chris on Twitter and removed 5,000 tweets to cover his tracks so nobody else would figure it out. NOBODY is asking any questions about that. In Bret's interview we discussed how the virus may change society forever and we may be dealing with it forever. The ADE caused by the vaccine may make you more vulnerable to future outbreaks. Yet Fauci hasn't even been given a slap on the wrist! By not talking about early treatments, the press wouldn't consider the work done on ivermectin and fluvoxamine credible. He's responsible for the deaths of millions of people worldwide and trillions of dollars in damages by creating the virus and then suppressing early treatments which could have saved people's lives. Why isn't anyone calling for his resignation? For criminal charges for obstructing justice for lying to Congress? For involuntary manslaughter? I will allege that Tony Fauci is the greatest mass murderer in history. Instead, he's still in his job and nobody except Senator Rand Paul is asking any questions? One Senator! Everyone else in Congress supports him 100%. By comparison, I am guilty of 2 hours of rude behavior (the last 45 minutes was more civil). Who is the real villian? It was unintended, but I think this is a teaching moment about how ad hominem attacks (focusing on me rather than the message) can be easily used to deflect conversation to be about me and my behavior rather than the crime of the century that affects us and future generations. We are looking at a 0.71% Absolute Risk Reduction in getting COVID (for Pfizer) based on their Phase 3 clinical trial. But today, the chance of getting COVID is much much lower since so many people have been vaccinated (some of whom have died to save society)... the benefit is now miniscule....a inconvenient truth that the government doesn't tell you. is this worth losing your life over? Tess Lawrie's report independently confirmed we should STOP these vaccines NOW. NOBODY can explain the cause of the excess deaths of thousands of American lives (minimum 5,000 and could be 50,000). I talked to the people behind OpenVAERS... they estimated the death toll at 20,000 people and they were very concerned about data missing from VAERS... records that have been secretly removed, and how over 200,000 recordid's have gone missing... that's nearly 20% of all the records. The proper testing wasn't done. The spike protein is more dangerous than we thought. Animal toxicology studies were never done. People were DROPPED from the Phase 3 trials if they had a reaction to the first dose. Dose escalation studies were never done. The vaccine LNP accumulates in the ovaries. The rate of spontaneous abortion was 82% in the Phase 3 trial (vs. 10% normal rate) for <20 weeks with babies being severely mutilated. Vaccine victims voices are being censored. Paramedics and docs are afraid to speak out against the narrative or risk being fired. There is NO transparency: the government is NOT telling us the actual # of deaths. They are not acknowledging the 50X increase in myocarditis and pericarditis in teenagers. We are being told it is a "safe" vaccine so adverse effects are attributed to another cause so it looks to everyone like nothing is wrong. There is deliberate suppression of early treatments. Ivermectin systematic review was in front of NIH for 3 months and they did NOTHING. Now will be published in peer reviewed journal shortly. Google is allowing Gavi to run ads trashing ivermectin. Facebook is DELETING vaccine side effect groups of 200,000 users and getting away with it. YouTube is continuing to remove ivermectin videos and not censoring videos saying the vaccine is perfectly safe for kids, pregnant women, and those who already have covid. The government never shows a risk benefit analysis. There is no informed consent. They changed OSHA laws so employers don't have to record adverse events so nobody finds out how unsafe the vaccines are: https://trialsitenews.com/osha-waves-29-cfr-1904s-recording-requirements-so-employers-that-mandate-vaccines-have-no-need-to-record/
See https://trialsitenews.com/does-the-21st-century-cures-act-allow-the-government-to-bypass-informed-consent-for-experimental-vaccines/
These are the issues the comments should be addressing..... what are WE going to do about it? Debate how rude I was? Lesson about my behavior heard loudly. Please, can we get back to the issues with the vaccine and the deliberate suppression of early treatment options and the deliberate changing of laws to avoid transparency? Each of you can help get the message out. I'll work on a 5 minute video, professionally done, that you can share. Twitter just wiped out the C19 Evidence -Based Clinical Response panel today. See https://twitter.com/louisaclary/status/1403143282562064384
If you agree with me, please join me at https://vaccinevictims.locals.com/
. I'll post there the URL of digestable materials for you to consider sharing. It is free to join. There is a mobile app as well. Sorry to give you one more app, but with all the censorship, locals allows us to communicate without being throttled or censored. With 100,000 members, we will build a base of concerned citizens who can speak out about the issues I've raised above.
Dawn (Univ of Pitt) 10:40 AM
This is from Pam Popper on ACHA - I think it's always important to follow the money: The Forbidden COVID-19 Chronicles
Why Colleges and Universities are Requiring COVID-19 Vaccines
Pamela A. Popper, President
Wellness Forum Health
Curious about why so many American colleges and universities have become militant about COVID-19 vaccinations as a requirement for in-person learning? This is, in part, due to an organization you most likely have never heard of – The American College Health Association (ACHA).The American College Health Association (ACHA) was founded in 1920 for the purpose of "…advancing the health of college students and campus communities through advocacy, education, and research." The organization represents over 800 institutions and 20 million students.[1] ACHA’s stated goals include that it wants "To be the recognized voice of expertise in college health."[2]The problem is that "college health," is largely defined by ACHA based on the vaccination status of students. The organization is heavily sponsored by drug and vaccine makers and its initiatives include programs like "Implementing Best Practices for Campus Vaccine Coverage: A Partnership with GlaxoSmithKline" and Utilizing Social Media to Increase HPV Vaccination: A Partnership with Merck."[3]In 2020, a subsidiary, the American College Health Foundation, formed a working group of health professionals and charged them with assessing vaccine readiness and coverage at U.S. colleges and universities. This project was underwritten by Pfizer, which provided $120,000 and the topics covered included:
· immunization requirements and enforcement policies
· immunization history data, to estimate vaccine coverage
· vaccine administration at campus health centers
· immunization data policies and practices
· Impact of the CVID-19 pandemic on the aboveThe group reported several "shortcomings" in vaccine coverage:
· While most schools require some vaccines, many do not collect data on immunization history from students, which can negatively impact management of preventable disease outbreaks.
· Schools do not know the percentage of students who have received various vaccines; a more comprehensive assessment of vaccine coverage of college students is required.
· Only one third of colleges had a reminder system in place for vaccines that require multiple doses.
Suggested areas of improvement included the ability to share data between state health departments and institutions, which would benefit "…the broader community."At the time this project was completed, COVID-19 vaccines had not yet been approved under the Emergency Use Authorization, but colleges and universities were already making plans for both requiring and administering the vaccines on campus. Many planned to also aggressively promote influenza vaccines along with COVID vaccines.[4]On March 31 2021, ACHA received a $450,000 grant from the Centers for Disease Control for the purpose of "…reducing SARS-CoV-2 transmission on college campuses and in their surrounding communities." This grant money was to promote masking, handwashing, physical distancing, and testing. According to Michael Huey MD, Interim Chief Executive Officer of ACHA, "…common sense risk mitigation practices such as washing our hands, wearing a mask, watching our distance, and regular testing are going to need to continue for the foreseeable future."[5]ACHA was also given $2 million dollars by the CDC to "…address vaccine hesitancy, increase vaccine visibility, and combat vaccine misinformation in campus communities." The campaign includes development of a vaccine confidence toolkit for staff and faculty, a social media toolkit, and a student social media campaign. According to ACHA, 23% of undergraduates reported earlier this year that they were unlikely or very unlikely to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Without citing any scientific evidence, ACHA states that this is concerning since communities in which colleges and universities are located are at higher risk, and that students traveling home after each semester end pose a threat wherever they go. ACHA ignores that fact that if only 23% of students are refusing the vaccine, herd immunity would be achieved anyway since 77% of students would be vaccinated.in spite of this, Dr. Huey emphasizes the importance of this campaign, stating: "Based on previous vaccine preventable disease outbreaks on campuses, we know that vaccine refusal can result in significant disruption and illness in the campus community. We also know that a long history of health inequities in the health care system alongside a separate crisis of vaccination misinformation and disinformation means that a lot of work needs to be done. Our goal with this initiative is to build trust in the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines through outreach to all campus constituencies and to specifically engage in student-to-student campaigns that will reach young adults with messages that resonate with them."[6]The ACHA website features many COVID-19 resources, including program such as:
· Connect Before You Correct: How to Host Listening Sessions to Inform COVID-19 Mitigation and Vaccination Strategies on Campus
· Building Trust and Confidence for the Long Term: How to Design Campus COVID-19 Mitigation Vaccination Strategies That Address the Needs of Marginalized Communities
· COVID-19 Communications: Real-World Insights to Promote Vaccine Acceptance.[7]The Mass Vaccination Clinic Guidance and Resources section of the website includes some of the strategies that will be used to achieve vaccination goals such as:
· Creation of a comprehensive communication and health promotion strategy that includes plans to address vaccine hesitancy in the campus community· Encouraging use of CDC’s "V-safe after vaccinations health checker" tool for COVID-19 vaccine symptom tracking and reporting[8]Tools include "Resources for Starting Up Mass Vaccination services" and "Mass Vaccination Clinics: Challenges and Best Practices (Webinar)."[9]While ACHA publicly states that it is interested in promoting the health of students, it is really a marketing machine that partners with vaccine makers, the CDC, and colleges and universities to coerce students to agree to more and more vaccinations. The COVID-19 debacle is being used to increase the coercion.At the very least this partnership and its goals should be revealed to students and their parents, who have no idea that the messages they are receiving about vaccines are largely bought and paid for either directly by vaccine makers or indirectly by the CDC, which receives money from vaccine makers and owns vaccine patents (see articles on this topic in the Health Briefs Library).[1] About ACHA - https://www.acha.org/ACHA/About/About_ACHA/ACHA/About/About_ACHA.aspx?hkey=9deff142-0898-4f21-8a69-f5e0621eb59c
[2] IBID
[3] Partner Resources - https://www.acha.org/ACHA/Foundation/Partner_Resources/ACHA/Foundation/Partner_Resources.aspx
[4] Immunization Practices in College Health: Requirements, Coverage and Data. A 2020 American College Health Foundation Survey.
[5] HECCOP Initiative - https://www.acha.org/ACHA/About/ACHA_News/HECCOP_Initiative.aspx
[6] COVID Vaccine Initiative - https://www.acha.org/ACHA/About/ACHA_News/COVID_Vaccine_Initiative.aspx
[7] COVID Vaccine Initiative - https://www.acha.org/ACHA/About/ACHA_News/COVID_Vaccine_Initiative.aspx
[8] Mass Vaccination Clinic Guidance and Resources - https://www.acha.org/ACHA/Resources/Topics/Mass_Vaccination_Clinic_Guidance_and_Resources.aspx
[9] IBID
The development of experimental genetically engineered live virus vaccines and virus vectored vaccines, especially those that are being “fast tracked,” have the potential to cause unknown negative effects on human health and the environment. There is a vacuum of knowledge about the potential of live attenuated and genetically engineered vaccine viruses to mutate and recombine with other viruses and create new viruses that will cause disease or affect the integrity of the human genome, human microbiome and healthy functioning of the immune and neurological systems. The impact of vaccine-strain virus shedding infection and transmission on individual and public health is a question that deserves to be asked and more thoroughly examined by the scientific community. The fact that children and adults given live virus vaccines have the potential to pose a health risk to both unvaccinated and vaccinated close contacts should be part of the public conversation about vaccination.