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They make us take the osha 30 and i swear half of it is electrical injuries, absolutely horrible. I guess it usually burns from the inside out, first slide you'll think oh that's not too bad considering, then it just gets worse and worse, and they have to go in and cut away the dead tissue, and amputate if it kills the bones. At least he didn't suffer first, sad preventable death.
The anti intellectualism on this site is disgraceful. It's exactly the same as giving someone shit for 'talking white'. Perhaps you'd care to rebut the paper that was actually published. I'll give you two hints. You won't find it on shitty Indian tabloids, and it isn't a "study". I await your insightful commentary...
Different article, and I only glossed over it. I'm in the middle of watching The Winter King :^D Doing exceptional work in one area, doesn't mean "crackpot" theories are impossible in another. There's a non zero chance ʻOumuamua was built by aliens. He should prove that. Otherwise it's just speculative noise. It does sell books though.
I definitely know that my ex-girlfriend gave my dick microplastics because she was plastic; fake as hell...

You can find microplastics in our testicles as well. They are now effectively everywhere.