In The News...

Shit, I got loads of them. Kids let the crawl all over.

Never kill a ladybug.

I am a bit suspect that you guys are getting bit and harassed by guys dont go to town and tell folks about the ouchie you got from a ladybug do you?
There are differents breeds of them.

Our native species I've not heard of bites from. The new invasive (Japanese?) ones, slightly more orange than red, are more aggressive for sure.
I can rarely tell which side is really the culprit, honestly. So many things done, and all justified by the doers and vilified by others...getting to the point I may just quit paying attention all together.
Oh lord:(

"Honey, I'll be in the garage spray painting my rims, have you seen my blow torch?"
I would have been wearing my ass for a hat if Dad ever caught me doing that.

You fellers be wary of spray cans. Little kid west of me was helping dad work on a pickup when he knocked over a can of wd40 that was sitting on the battery. Can fell over and arced out, can blew up and burnt the hell out of the little boy.
I can never tell Max. Are you for freedom and freedom of speech? Or against it?

One can only speculate about Europe's reaction if Russia's ban Euronews, BBC and other Western media.

Well, that cleared everything up!

You should see them swam when they hatch. Best not be in the middle of it. We wake them up often with the saws in an old log, or smacking a nest taking down a tree. Thousands of hungry little buggers. Like getting hit with a bunch of ants with wings. Little bastids.

Near mid calif in the mountains once I saw a lady bug swarm like a plague. Darkened the sky, was unbelievable.