In The News...

Is she buds with Hillary, Jim? That's a demerit. She used to be a republican, now a dem.... I guess she is her own person in some respects, doesn't strictly vote along party lines. I thought how she tore into the CEO was a real person speaking, not just a politician. Her mouth was trembling at one point, she felt it.
They may be, just as the moderates were against Assad.

I dont like the idea of sending any more money or arms to the region, and really dont believe that ISIS is the threat that we have made them out to be. If it were, we would crush them.

ISIS is being helped along so that we dont lose our greatest excuse for an enemy in the area. If ISIS did not exist, it would be necessary to invent it.

I just want to be out of there before it escalates into something worse. The Russians bomb the "rebels" on accident. We bomb Assad's troops on accident. This wont end well in my opinion.

Noting against the Kurds mind you. Just not sure it is worth the risk to arm them.

What happens when the Kurds get their shit together? In the long run this move probably has more to do with destabilizing the relationship between Turkey and Russia.

Yes, I probably sound like a nut, but I am still pissed we supported the slaughter in Yemen.
A news story this morning tells that ISIS might have used mustard gas when attacking a US base. That's not very nice.

A number of so called military experts have said that ISIS can't be crushed without the use of ground troops. The US citizens are tired of boots on the ground, and it isn't good for political ambitions. The US has already been supporting the Kurds. If it is deemed important for them to win, how can you not supplement them with what they need most in the fight? Just don't have the attorney general's office do the transfer of guns deal, so the weapons don't get into the wrong hands like with their infamous "fast and furious" program down in Mexico that was a disaster, friendlies being killed with those same guns. Lots of "I dunno" when it came to accountability for that one.
Yea... no subs, no radar, no missles that would react to any incoming fire.

Just a helpless ship at sea!
This came through a FireFighter feed I get. I know we have differences here about how our countries interact but at the core we are all people that have others we care about. Some of our Russian brothers and sisters are hurting tonight:

7 Firefighters are missing while operating at a fire at a plastic products storage warehouse in eastern Moscow, Russia. There has been no contact established with the 7 who are missing-for an extended period of time. More to follow.

More here:

ADDITIONALLY-there are 10 Firefighters missing and assumed LODD in a Russian wild land firefighting plane today.

Take Care. Be Careful. Pass It On.
The Secret List 9-22-2016-1544 hours
The problem with relying on air power to wipe out ISIS, is that those brave Muslim bros hide behind civilians. No ascribing to the Geneva convention. Probably no better way to help the fundamentalists with their recruiting, than kill non combatants. If the US blew up my family, even unintentionally, I might consider waving the black flag.
I was just reading an account of a young guy that was going to a university studying engineering when ISIS took over his town. I assume he's a Muslim himself. He managed to escape, but from what he had to say about his reaction to the brutality he witnessed, he's no friend of those fundamentalists. Get caught with a cellular phone in your pocket or anywhere, you're dead.