Likely right, Dave, but that isn't going to happen anytime soon. I think an unbiased justice department somehow, would be a big step towards responsible government in the mean time. You can't have the fox watching the hen house. The attorney general's office tiptoed through the IRS scandal like they do with all things that might get powerful democrats in trouble and reflect badly on the white house. You even get the chief law enforcement officer in the country, the president, making statements supporting innocence before the facts from investigations are even in. A person like the IRS's Lois Lerner takes the fifth to every question, not on extraneous matters but how she does her job, and with barely a wrist slap sails off into the sunset. She resigned her position, but no loss of her hefty pension for as much as a hundred grand per year. People getting away with impunity when they do nasty/illegal shit is not going to promote good government. Funny how so many things that could point to guilt get "mistakenly" lost when they have to be turned over. It's a mockery of justice.
I'm not saying the republicans are any better, but with Obama's appointees that we can look at over recent years, with various things that have occurred, justice is scarce when the best possible outcome would be to hold people responsible and clean house in parts of government.